BRMinistries | – Billy Crone – In the Twinkling of an Eye

Date: May 3rd, 2021 In a moment … in the twinkling of an eye … we shall be changed. Yes, the rapture of the church is most certainly the next big event on God’s prophetic calendar. It’s the subject of more confusion and controversy than perhaps any other passage of Scripture in the Bible. If […]

BRMinistries | – Billy Crone – World Religions and Cults

Website: | Date: Jan. 22, 2021 There are 4,300 different religions in the world today. Do all of their roads lead to heaven? Can everyone be right? Even more troubling than the statistics Billy shared about the beliefs of many Christians in our churches today is the fact that 1.2 BILLION people around the […]

Christian Journal | – Carnal Christianity

Self identified Christians want to make the Bible more palatable for people who hate the Bible Google is demonetizing our videos, please consider donating to the ministry or sign up for a subscription on so that we can continue to do the work of the Kingdom. You can also donate via text by texting […]

Christian Journal | – Is America Laodicea?

Laodicea is the final church age before Jesus comes for His Church. When Christ comes for His spiritual body He vomits this Laodicean church out of His body into the tribulation. After Jesus stomachs the lukewarm condition of this church, He spews them out implying that those identified with Laodicea have no place in His […]