Billy Crone | – 31 – The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) A One World Religion Part 5 – Billy Crone

The ultimate sign that you’re headed for the worst day of your life would have to be this. It’s when you wake up one morning only to realize that your family has suddenly disappeared. So you run to turn on your TV to see what’s happening and there you watch a special worldwide news report declaring that millions of people all over the planet have simply vanished. As you spy the Bible on the coffee table, it suddenly dawns on you that your family was right after all when they kept telling you about the rapture of the Church. Then to your horror, you realize that you’ve been left behind and have been catapulted into mankind’s darkest hour, the 7-year Tribulation that really is coming upon the whole world. But thankfully, God is not only a God of wrath; He’s a God of love as well. And because He loves you and I, He has given us many warning signs to show us that the Tribulation is near and that His 2nd Coming is rapidly approaching. Therefore, The Final Countdown takes a look at 10 signs given by God to lovingly wake us up so we’d give our lives to Him before it’s too late. These signs are the Jewish People, Modern Technology, Worldwide Upheaval, The Rise of Falsehood, The Rise of Wickedness, The Rise of Apostasy, One World Religion, One World Government, One World Economy, and The Mark of the Beast. Like it or not folks, we are headed for The Final Countdown. Please, if you’ve haven’t already done so, give your life to Jesus today, because tomorrow may be too late!

About The Author

Billy Crone Billy Crone. We believe in the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our mission is to share the gospel in any way possible to reach the lost and encourage the church to be watching and keeping our lives holy in anticipation of His return.

Comment (18)

  1. Another great sermon, Pastor Billy. It was very thought-provoking about the possibility we could be called to be martyred for our faith in Christ. I get scared that persecution would break out here in America and hope and pray the Lord give me even a fraction of the resolve the persecuted Church has to stand for my faith. I believe most professing Christians in America would abandon Christianity if they were faced with martyrdom.

  2. it makes me sick to know that Christians are being beheaded for Christ. If it came down to it, I would get beheaded for Him. The last video was very thought provoking. My first thought was that God took those bullets out miraculously. Another awesome final countdown sermon!!

  3. I truly feel sorry for those who will not accept the Lord before the rapture, we the members of the bride have it the easy way, why? well we are going to be ruptured, we will be taken to be with our Lord. Those who come to the Lord after the rapture, they will have to give up there lives! Think about it how would anyone reading this feel to be standing before a guillotine knowing you are going to be killed? beheaded, so every day I pray for all to hear & accept the good news before its to late

  4. Dear Mr. Crone. Enjoy your sermons, just wondering though, the Bible states God will save us from the Day of Wrath ,but not from Tribulation. so we will go through some major troubles, and the saints in heaven may be us.

  5. It is already here in America. People in some towns are imprisoned and there are atheists and spiritualists who hate Bible believing Christians. Rosie O'Donnell has chastised Christians as killers as well as Oprah has denounced God the Almighty and replaced His name with "me"/"my". Many are leading people in the wrong direction, many of the tv evangelists, tv personalities, music artists, etc. Satan and his demons are thriving amongst us.

  6. Btw if you are born Jewish, as you pretend. You have to know that regardless all your insults against Judaism and your conversion to Christianity you are still Jewish. since according to Jewish belief, a Jewish person is a son of a Jewish mother by birth.

    You gladly make a perfect example of hypocrites.

    Get a life, get a job get laid do some sports.

    No one will convert to Christianity thanks to your post. And no Jews will be harmed by your insults.

    Only you will waste your life

  7. Wow Pastor Crone! I have been watching your final countdown videos and am learning so much. Well thought out, well prepared and laid out, and very compelling. Praise God for your love of His Word and for the talent Jesus endowed you with when it comes to teaching. Wow, is the best word I can come up with for your wonderful end time sermons! Praise God! By the way, I envy your ability to tell a joke!