FULLER studio | – M. Daniel Carroll Rodas on Immigration Perspectives

In his lecture “Cristianos en la Frontera: Migración Mundial en Perspectiva Cristiana” delivered at the 2011 Missiology Lectures, Old Testament scholar M. Daniel Carroll Rodas discussed how various audiences perceive issues of immigration and shared about what immigrant perspectives teach us about the Christian life.

FULLER studio | – Angela Gorrell on Christian Witness in a Technological Age

In her lecture “Back to the Future: Immortal But Not Fully Alive,” Angela Gorrell (PhD ’16), assistant professor of practical theology at Truett Theological Seminary, examines what life-affirming Christian witness should look like during this period of technological development. The Fuller Missiology Lectures is an annual conference held by the School of Intercultural Studies. The […]

FULLER studio | – Luke Bobo on Human Misery

Luke Bobo speaks about how the wealth gap and limited economic opportunities breeds present day suffering to African American communities in the US, and he challenges the church to respond in love and justice. He is an author, professor, and the director of strategic partnerships for Made to Flourish.