Todd White | – Todd White – Lifestyle Christianity – Pure & Holy

Todd White was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years. In 2004 he was radically and miraculously set free when a gun fired at him and he should have died but instead heard God speak to his heart, “I took that bullet for you, now are you ready to live for me?”

Todd believes that redemption and righteousness are the foundational keys for living life as a new creation in Christ, and has since traveled the entire world sharing the gospel and living the full reality that Jesus paid for on the cross! Todd’s foremost desire is to see the Holy Spirit flowing through believers everywhere they go– work, school, grocery stores, malls, gas stations…everywhere! Todd’s true joy is being able to reproduce a 24/7 kingdom lifestyle in every believer. His heart is to activate people in the simplicity of who they really are and confront the barriers that hold them back from being who God created them to be. No one is excluded!

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Todd was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years—when in 2004—he was radically set free! Todd believes that redemption and righteousness are the foundational keys for living life as a new creation in Christ. Todd’s foremost desire is to see the Holy Spirit flowing through believers everywhere that they go–at work, school, grocery stores, malls, gas stations, and more. Todd’s true joy is being able to reproduce a 24/7 kingdom lifestyle in every believer. His heart is to activate people in the simplicity of who they really are and confront the barriers that hold them back from being who God created them to be. No one is excluded

About The Author

Todd White - Lifestyle Christianity TODD WHITE - was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years when in 2004 He was radically set free! Redemption and righteousness are the foundation and the keys to the new creation reality that we are to live in and from. God has simply opened Todd's eyes to this truth and that Holy Spirit wants to flow through every believer everywhere we go, at work, school, grocery stores, malls, gas stations, everywhere. His true joy is being able to reproduce in people the simplicity of this reality, in a 24/7 kingdom lifestyle! This is for every believer! His heart is activating people into the simplicity of who they really are and destroying lies that hold people back from being who God created them to be. No one is excluded! Todd White - Lifestyle Christianity *** These videos are copyright of Lifestyle Christianity *** please do not re-post these videos into large personal channels We would like to keep people coming to Todds official channel instead of alternate sources. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Comment (46)

  1. TODD Heal ME.  I am the perfect subject.  I have a bone tumor on the left side of my hip.  Destroy it and you have a sceptic that will devote his life to your ministry.  It will need to be done within a month.  It's now 7.31.15

  2. Hey 🙂

    This is the most stirring and powerful video, I've ever seen. Would like to make this video accessible to my friends from Germany, who can't understand English. I know there is a translation into German in the subtitles but it's a very bad translation (maybe from google translator).

    Here is what Todd says in correct and proper german:

    0:00 christlicher Lebensstil
    0:08 Weißt du eigentlich, dass wir heute an einem Punkt des Leibes Christi angekommen sind
    0:11 an dem die Menschen Gutes böse nennen und Böses gut
    0:15 Kennst du diese dämonische Lehre da draußen, die besagt, dass du alles machen kannst was du willst
    0:19 Diese Lehre hebt die Gande wieder auf
    0:21 und pervertiert die eigentliche Wahrheit darüber was Gottesfurcht heißt.
    0:29 Billige Gnade schleicht sich ein
    0:31 weil Gnade ohne Beziehung gelehrt wird.
    0:35 Stattdessen sage ich dir jetzt, dass du in die Hölle kommst wenn du denkst du kannst auch später noch glauben (wenn du alt bist)
    0:40 Wir hören auf den Teufel. Wir werden vom Lügner manipuliert
    0:44 Und Gott verbietet dir zu lernen wie man Kranke heilt
    0:47 Sie zu heilen und zu denken das ist okay dann aber mit deiner Freundin zu schlafen
    0:51 das ist nicht OK
    0:55 Es heißt NICHT: Verleugne den Teufel, nimm dein Kreuz auf dich und folge mir
    0:58 Der Teufel ist nicht dein Problem, sondern du selbst bist es
    1:01 Es heißt: Verleugne dich selbst. Dein Selbst hat mit deinem Denken zu tun
    1:05 Es gibt einen Weg, der einem Menschen zwar richtig erscheint aber dieser Weg tötet uns.
    1:10 Ich liebe dich aber ich ertrage es nicht was der Teufel tut
    1:12 Er manipuliert, er ist ein Lügner, er ist erledigt, ihm wurde der Weg abgeschnitten
    1:16 Er versucht sich in deiner Seele wiederzubeleben
    1:23 Ich glaube dass wir wirklich heilig sein können, wie er heilig ist
    1:26 Ich glaube dass wir es können
    1:28 Ich kenne die Stimme meines Vaters
    1:30 Er sagt: Meine Schafe hören meine Stimme und einem Fremden werden sie nicht folgen
    1:35 Es gibt einen Ort in der Liebe Gottes an dem wir jeden Tag in beständiger Buße leben können.
    1:41 rein
    1:43 schuldlos und heilig
    1:47 Wir sind dazu aufgerufen
    1:49 rein zu sein
    1:52 schuldlos zu bleiben
    1:54 und heilig
    1:56 Du bist
    1:59 nicht länger
    2:01 ein Sklave
    2:03 der Sünde
    2:07 Lass die Sünde nicht mehr über dich herrschen
    2:10 Jesus ich danke dir für die Reinheit in der Gemeinde Gottes
    2:14 dass man uns kennt als heilige Menschen
    2:18 Du warst ein Sklave der Sünde (vgl. Joh 8,32-34) aber jetzt bist du ein Werkzeug der Gerechtigkeit
    2:23 Du bist eine Waffe für den Herrn
    2:25 Jemand muss umgepflügt werden. Jemand muss laufen
    2:30 Jemand muss aufwachen und loslaufen
    2:33 Menschen sind darauf angewiesen, dass du wandelst wie Jesus
    2:37 Jeden Tag stirbt jemand. Jeden Tag kommen Menschen in die Hölle
    2:43 Wir müssen eine Beziehung mit dem Herrn haben
    2:45 Wir müssen unsere Innigkeit wieder herstellen
    2:48 Geh in das Buch und sage: Gott ich weiß nkicht wie aber ich will dir folgen
    2:52 Hier bin ich Gott. Sende mich
    2:54 Lies in der Bibel und sag: Gott, mein Leben ist nicht so wie es hier steht und sein sollte
    3:01 Hilf mir Vater. Das ist was du sagst, wer ich sein sollte. Gott mach mich so wie es in diesem Wort steht
    3:06 Sei heilig in allem was du tust
    3:11 Denn es steht geschrieben
    3:15 Ihr sollt heilig sein
    3:17 denn ich bin
    3:19 HEILIG
    3:27 1. Petrus 1 Vers 15-16

    Can you please check this and replace the german subtitles.

    God bless you

  3. hi todd, i see you have an amazing app now which i have recently downloaded, but unfortunately it leaves the Caribbean out of it. Can you please come and make a visit down here, especially Trinidad; we need a revival! 🙂

  4. my boyfriend lives with me. though we are not having sex, he sleeps in my bed with me. Tell me it's not good. We were suppose to married last year. He moved in because he became homeless. he had nowhere to go. my walk with Jesus has gone down hill. listening to this, makes me wonder if he needs to leave my home. The Holy Spirit told him to marry me last year on my birthday. He came and we are still single. neither one of us wants to get married now. Tell me he has to leave. It's laying heavy on my heart.

  5. Litterly changed my life! I WILL SHARE JESUS WITH EVERYONE I MEET! thankyou todd. I have started watching these and God is doing great things though me! YOUR AN EXAMPLE OF JESUS! Wow. So deep. LOVE IT. Love jesus.

  6. Dear Todd, may God bless you for sharing the gospel of God with so many people, i was at work when i watched the 1erst video about you, im a christian person but he changed my life, i know how God talk to you i believe it, im from latin american country and they hired me to work in the caribbean, im far aay from my family, and i want you pray for my father, the doctors said he has cancer, and people get scared to hear that word, his name is Carlos Samuel Perez, and i wish you can pray and declare a word in his life i believe inthe power of jesus so i can share the testimony here. Gos bless you thank you.

  7. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have told you in times past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

  8. Praise God!! Please pray for me. I have been in the sin of pornography and much more that is related to it. I know that I've been believing a lie. I want out of it!!!!!!!!! I want HIM and HIM alone!! I want to give Him my all and leave everything else at the cross in which was His soul purpose and mission that the Father had planned from the very beginning. I want to truly live the gospel and make it not just a "good story" or a "good book". I want to live it. I realize now that's it's all about him and not me. I want to learn how to deny myself and pick up my cross and live for His glory, even if it brings death!! Thanks for your amazing ministry and team. Continue to walk out in His love!!!

  9. I felt like this video was made just for me. Ive been in a church for the past 6 years. During my time there my husband was addicted to pornography, he was lieing to me and living a double life in the church. I was told by church leaders to just have grace . and he just has grace.They never wanted to address the real issue. They said he was fine , even defended it. As I read the word , I began to realize that the scriptures says grace trains us to say no to ungodliness. I do believe there is real pure grace for my husband, but its not grace to just sweep sin under the rug.Its to forgive and then empower him to live a holy life. Im believing Gods grace will pick up the shambles of the brokeness that has happened the past couple years in my life , and will conform me to his word.
    Repentance is still needed as Chrsitians , Holiness is the fruit of real grace, and the truth from the word of God will make you free!