Alpha Course | – Charlie Mackesy | Take a Step Closer

Artist Charlie Mackesy shares his story with Alpha.

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Alpha Welcome to the official Alpha channel. Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No follow up. No charge. Alpha runs in churches, bars, coffee shops, and homes all around the globe. Typically Alpha has around ten sessions and includes food, a short talk, and a discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts. Alpha really is for anyone who’s curious. The talks are designed to encourage debate and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, honest, and informal environment. Millions of people around the world have tried Alpha. Subscribe for the latest Alpha talks and stories from around the world. Got questions about life? Try Alpha -

Comment (10)

  1. I was awful the other day to a load of teens at our pool. They were really out of order and I went ott. I still feel bad, as the friend that invited them was in tears after I finished, and it actually was the parents fault for dumping them all there. One mouthy girl was very rude. I wish I could chill out more. I thought of Elisha and the bears. I was so incensed I practically called down fire.
    Apart from that, as an artist myself, if I like something I generally go up close, make notes etc. It's a compliment. I remember you from the printmaking room at City and Guilds.