Alpha Course | – Is God Dead? | Social Action

The UK, like so many countries around the world, faces huge challenges when it comes to poverty, injustice and caring for the world around us. We’re living in a time where the gap between the rich and the poor is greater than ever, we’re facing a climate crisis, homelessness has been on the rise in the UK for the last five years, one in five women in the UK have experienced domestic abuse in their own homes over the last year and the pandemic has made some of these issues even worse. In this episode, Guvna B explores whether the church, Christians and faith organisations are making any difference and doing anything to help people affected by these issues.

About The Author

Alpha Welcome to the official Alpha channel. Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No follow up. No charge. Alpha runs in churches, bars, coffee shops, and homes all around the globe. Typically Alpha has around ten sessions and includes food, a short talk, and a discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts. Alpha really is for anyone who’s curious. The talks are designed to encourage debate and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, honest, and informal environment. Millions of people around the world have tried Alpha. Subscribe for the latest Alpha talks and stories from around the world. Got questions about life? Try Alpha -