Alpha Course | – Telling Others | Episode 6: Nellie, Lalgin & Sam

Welcome back to the Telling Others series – a collection of Alpha guest interview-style stories from around the world.

Episode 6, the final episode of this series, features three conversations from Manipur, India hosted by Miles Toulmin.

Sam- Manipur, India

The Alpha leader, joins the conversation and shares how he trusted God for words of knowledge and to show His healing power to the Alpha guests during the healing session.

Lalgin- Manipur, India

Shares how he was healed from kidney stones and chronic pain. He expresses his amazement that God loves him enough to heal him.

Nellie- Manipur, India

Shares how she was healed from a gastrointestinal intestinal illness, respiratory problems and severe backpain all in the same session. She shares how wonderful it is that the God who created the universe is interested in her healing.

If you received healing after watching this episode, or if you have a story of how you experienced Jesus and His healing power through Alpha, please email

About The Author

Alpha Welcome to the official Alpha channel. Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No follow up. No charge. Alpha runs in churches, bars, coffee shops, and homes all around the globe. Typically Alpha has around ten sessions and includes food, a short talk, and a discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts. Alpha really is for anyone who’s curious. The talks are designed to encourage debate and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, honest, and informal environment. Millions of people around the world have tried Alpha. Subscribe for the latest Alpha talks and stories from around the world. Got questions about life? Try Alpha -