Bethel Music | – Awake My Soul & Por Siempre – Edward Rivera | Moment

“Awake My Soul” and “Por Siempre” (Ever Be) sung by Edward Rivera live at Bethel Church

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Time Stamps:
6:23 – Por Siempre

Worship Leader – Edward Rivera | @edwardrivera
Worship Leader – Kalley Heiligenthal | @kalleyheili
Worship Leader – Josie Buchanan | @[support us]
Electric Guitar – David Hislop | @davidhislop
Electric Guitar – Kenyon Reed | @kenyonthe2nd
Keys – David Funk | @thedavidfunk
Bass – Adam Kiser | @theadamkiser
Drums – Daniel Vargas | @thedanielvargas

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Writer “Awake My Soul”:
Brooke Ligertwood

Writers “Por Siempre” (Ever Be):
Bobby Strand, Chris Greely, Gabriel Wilson, Kalley Heiligenthal

#AwakeMySoul #EdwardRivera #bethelmusic

About The Author

Bethel Music Bethel Music is a community of worshipers pursuing the presence of God. We exist to gather, inspire, and encourage the global church toward deeper intimacy with the Father. Together, we express who God is and who we are in Him, capturing fresh expressions of worship in every season.

Comment (34)

  1. The world is reaching the end. Give your all to Christ. Examine yourselves, as Paul said, and see if you are truly in the faith. Have you surrendered your life completely to Jesus? Many will be and are deceived into thinking that they are right with God. But make sure you are not one of them. Make sure you're not lukewarm. Spread the gospel and let's hasten the coming of our Lord! God Bless

  2. Guys pray for me please! I am needing to be out of my current place at the end of the month and I have yet to find a place to live. I’ve been exhausting myself working two jobs to make it possible to rent a home as well as starting back up at BSSM next month! I’m also trying to move my brother out here so I can take care of him and get him out of a toxic home. I’ve felt so discouraged these last few months- and although I don’t see it I know God is going to make a way. I could really use any prayer and encourage right now. Thank you and God bless.

  3. Please watch Lindsay Davis on Doreen Virtue. 1 Timothy 4 Vs 1.
    Matthew 24 VA 24. The seduction of the music leads to the deception of the different Gospel teaching . Jemimah 23 Vs 16-40.
    Matthew24 Vs24.
    Watch Hedi Baker impart Demons at the Bethel school AKA Hogwarts.

  4. I was healed by Jesus Christ through prayer from terminal illness caused by Alcohol 4.5 years ago. I received a brand new liver without operation when doctors could not help me. I give all the Glory to God. He is the only true physician. Since then I travel the world preaching the Gospel. AMEN

  5. Hi, I would like to share my personal testimony. I was forming a line on the first day of high school when suddenly I had a feeling of falling backward losing control of my body, I woke up in an armchair surrounded by the principal, my teachers, and my parents scared and crying.

    They rushed me to the emergency room and the doctor gave me an MRI . I was diagnosed with a congenital cerebral arteriovenous malformation(AVM)-an abnormal tangle of blood vessels which ruptured and caused bleeding on the brain, that's why I lost consciousness.

    Therefore, the doctor prescribed me Epamin(anticonvulsant) to take three times per day, which helped me to avoid fainting and severe daily headaches. I knew that I had to take my pills for the rest of my life, but there were times when I forgot it, so I fainted at any time or place depending on the help of strangers. I remember when I was on the bus on my way to the university to take an exam and unexpectedly I fainted. When I woke up, I saw everyone looked at me strangely I‘d been unconscious for one hour. Thankfully, the man, who was sitting next to me, helped me to get off the bus and called my parents to take me to the emergency room.

    Until one day, I heard on the radio about the healing miracles of Jesus, I decided to attend the Christian church, they taught me the word of God and I gave my life to Jesus. I had faith and decided to depend on God, not on pills It’s like I walking on the sea in the middle of a storm. I knew that the Lord would guard my steps in the unknown. From that day on I had faith in Jesus and decided not to take pills anymore and got rid of pills, believed that God would only sustain me, and guard every step He is walking with me every step of the way.

    Then a miracle happened: Jesus healed me! Nowadays I am healed and healthy, I don’t have bleeding and headaches anymore, It has been 6 years since God healed me and I don’t faint anymore because of his grace. God is faithful and powerful. Praise the Lord!

    So I can say that God is real, he is alive, he is a miracle worker, he transforms lives, he can make the impossible possible God heals, liberates, restores, forgives, and transforms life. I invite you that if you are going through any problem or illness, come to Jesus he is the solution, decide to believe all his glory will be revealed in your life in a supernatural way. God says to you “I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”(Isaiah 41:10), “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13)

  6. Kalley y Edward vinieron a Perú, ellos estuvieron aquí en la gira con Christine e hicieron un concierto en Lima. Hermoso el quitarse los prejuicios idiomáticos y culturales… Hay una cultura en la iglesia, y es la CULTURA DEL REINO DE LOS CIELOS, Cristo nos ha hecho uno… ¡¡UN SOLO PUEBLO, HETEROGÉNEO EN NACIONES Y LENGUAS, PERO SOMOS UNO EN JESUCRISTO, UNA FAMILIA!!