Bethel Music | – Out of Hiding (Official Lyric Video) – Steffany Gretzinger & Amanda Cook | The Undoing

“Come out of hiding you’re safe here with Me, there’s no need to cover what I already see…” Lyrics for Out of Hiding (Father’s Song) written by Steffany Gretzinger & Amanda Cook. #TheUndoing

Bethel Music’s collective of worship leaders aim to write and record songs that carry the culture of heaven and the heart of God. We exist to pursue the heart of God. Together, we express who God is and who we are in Him. We capture fresh expressions of worship in every season that resonates with worshipers around the world. Our dream, is that all the earth would worship God.

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Bethel Music Bethel Music is a community of worshipers pursuing the presence of God. We exist to gather, inspire, and encourage the global church toward deeper intimacy with the Father. Together, we express who God is and who we are in Him, capturing fresh expressions of worship in every season.

Comment (40)

  1. Fora Do Esconderijo (Canção Do Pai)

    Saia do esconderijo, você está seguro aqui Comigo
    Não há necessidade de cobrir o que Eu já vejo
    Você tem seus motivos, mas Eu mantenho sua paz
    Você está trancado, mas Eu tenho a chave

    Eu te amava antes de você saber o que era amor
    Eu vi tudo, ainda sim escolhi a cruz
    E Foi em você que Eu estava pensando
    Quando me levantei da sepultura
    Agora livre-se dos grilhões, Minha vitória é sua
    Eu rasguei o véu para que você possa chegar perto
    Não há mais razão para ficar a distância
    Você não está longe de casa

    Eu serei o seu farol quando estiver perdido no mar
    E Eu vou iluminar tudo
    Não precisa de ter medo da intimidade
    Basta jogar seu medo fora e vir correndo para Mim

    Eu te amava antes de você saber o que era amor
    Eu vi tudo, ainda sim escolhi a cruz
    E Foi em você que Eu estava pensando
    Quando me levantei da sepultura
    Agora livre-se dos grilhões, Minha vitória é sua
    Eu rasguei o véu para que você possa chegar perto
    Não há mais razão para ficar a distância
    Você não está longe de casa

    Ah, enquanto você corre, o que atrapalhava o amor
    Se tornará apenas parte da história

    Amor, você está quase em casa agora
    Por favor não desista agora
    Você está quase em casa para Mim

  2. I love Bethel Music but this is the first time listening to this song. This song hit me like no other song. God knew I needed to hear it badly. I'm not going through much, but the thing I am going through is terrible. This thing is destroying me on the inside, and the thing is, I keep letting it happen, because it's an addiction. I haven't told anyone. I absolutely hate it!!!!!!!! I hate it because I know this isn't who I am. I'm a musical Christian who loves Jesus and people, with a future of worship singing and photography. And hiding my pornography addiction for 3 1/2 years now is dreadful. I'm even terrified and bawling my eyes out right now about even just openly posting this. I'm debating changing my name on here but I'm not going to because I know this is the first step of the healing process. I've never been this open about myself before and I hope whoever is reading this understands. I'm shaking… I hate it. If I somehow personally know whoever is reading this then I would just like to say I'm sorry… I never meant to hide this from you (whoever you are). I hope one day I can tell you in person about this and I hope you understand that I'm still the same person you know and I always will be. Jesus, thank you. Thank you for showing me this song and giving me just an ounce of confidence to do this. I'm so excited to finally start the process of breaking free. I know this is only going to be part of my story someday, and I hope that it also helps someone in the future. Whoever sees this just please keep me in your prayers if you don't mind… thank you so much I really appreciate it..

  3. When I first heard this song, I sobbed my eyes out, but the part that hit me the hardest was imagining my Heavenly Father with His arms outstretched urging me to finish the race as my legs give out, "Baby, you're almost home now, please don't quit now! You're almost home to me-YES you are!" Steffany's voice holds an urgency there, as if we, the listener, refuse to believe we can finish the race. I always imagine myself shaking my head, 'no' when she screams out, "Yes, you are!" This song is absolutely beautiful and heartfelt.

  4. I had separated myself from Him after losing our fit and healthy 18 year old niece to Covid. She was a committed Christian, involved in childrens work at church, and due to start medical school in September. This beautiful song started me on the road back home. My 'anger' towards God and my lack of trust undone in the words 'Come out of hiding you're safe here with me' still resounding in my head. Thank you Lord for giving these words to Steffany and Amanda.

  5. I was reading a 30 Day Devotional (STAY FIT: Strengthening Your Connection To Jesus) and today's reading had this song in it. "Out Of Hiding."
    I listened to the song and this part had me in tears.
    'Cause I loved you before you knew it was love
    I saw it all, still I chose the cross
    You were the one that I was thinking of when I rose from the Grave.

  6. He freed me from 7 years of depression and suicidal thoughts when I came out of hiding. I blocked everyone out, even Jesus. but His love met me where I was and He showed me His glory. If I learned anything from that dark time in my life, it was that He was there the whole time. I know you feel alone, fear has left you for dead, but Jesus is there, watching over you, waiting to show you His unconditional love and acceptance. You are never too far for God to meet you there.

  7. Hi, I would like to share my personal testimony. I was forming a line on the first day of high school when suddenly I had a feeling of falling backwards losing control of my body, I woke up in an armchair surrounded by the principal, my teachers and my parents scared and crying.

    They rushed me to the emergency room and doctor gave me an MRI . I was diagnosed with a congenital cerebral arteriovenous malformation(AVM)-an abnormal tangle of blood vessels which ruptured and caused bleed on the brain , that's why I lost consciousness.

    Therefore , doctor prescribed me Epamin(anticonvulsant) to take three times per day ,which helped me to avoid fainting and severe daily headaches. I knew that I had to take my pills for my rest of life, but there were times when I forgot it, so I fainted at any time or place depending on the help of strangers. I remember when I was on bus on my way to the university to take an exam and unexpectally I fainted when I woke up I saw everyone looked at me strangenly I ‘d been unconscious for one hour .Thankfully the man, who was sitting next to me , helped me to get off the bus and called my parents to take me emergency.

    Until one day, I heard on the radio about the healing miracles of Jesus , I decided to attend the Christian church, they taught me the word of God and I gave my life to Jesus.I had faith and decided to depend on God not on pills It’s like I walking on the sea in the middle of a storm . I knew that the Lord would guard my steps in the unknown.From that day on I had faith in Jesus and decided not to take pills anymore and got rid of pills, believed that God would only sustain me and guard every step He is walking with me every step of the way.

    Then a miracle happened :Jesus healed me¡. Nowadays I am healed and healthy, I don’t have bleeding and headaches anymore ,It’s has been 6 years since God healed me I don’t faint anymore because of his grace. God is faithful and powerful.Praise the Lord¡

    So I can say that God is real, he is alive ,he is miracle-worker , he transforms lives, he can make the impossible possible God heals, liberates, restores ,forgives and transforms life. I invite you that if you are going through any problem or illness, come to Jesus he is the solution,decide to believe all his glory will be revealed in your life in a supernatural way. God says to you “I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”(Isaiah 41:10), “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13)

  8. My dad…was a distant and disturb man.

    I am 37 years old and my dad died 28th of September 2019. For yeara I fought an invisible war. I had no idea who I was or meant to be. By this point I lost track of the layers of hate built upon the years of abandonment and struggle. My identity was pornography. I took the validation of my manhood to the woman. I got married twice. Loat everything because a woman can not validate a boy in to manhood.

    I had to loose everything to finally come to realise that I sold my heart and soul down the river for a cheap pot of lentil soup. I exchanged my birthright as an adopted son of God for cheap thrills. A trap that so many men step in to so willingly through the hatred of their fathers.

    When my dad died…about a week or so later I found myself in a car park in my work van, and I broke down. I sobbed and wretched like never before. All I could do was cry "Abba please !" Then as God does so many times, He asked me ," Who will you hate and blame now for all you're wrong doing ?"

    It was in that moment that I realised that I had forgiven my father and I was free.

    As men we are on a journey with God in search of validation for our manhood. One I hope that all of you men reading this will embrace. Embrace the wound !