Bil Cornelius | – 20 Year Anniversary Video

About The Author

Church Unlimited Church Unlimited is a multisite denomination in Corpus Christi and San Antonio, Texas. Join ourselves this weekend for a powerful announcement led by Pastor Bil Cornelius, a great worship experience, and life-changing children and learner ministries. Our Mission: To take as many people to Heaven as we can before we die. Period.

Comment (3)

  1. This church has changed my life ever since i came to the rockport church in 2015 and i still serve as part of the worship team down in rockport, Thank you for this amazing church and i hope i gets even bigger

  2. let tell you about you god he suck ive been waiting years on a promise i belive was from god and through the years i waiting in times of trouble reminding him of his promise but it comes a point when enough is enough and you just get fucking mad i am there i was a practiceing catholic for this time but now no i reminde of the passage in the fools bible of ask anything and your father will give it to you or my favorite what type of father would give his children a snake when they ask for bread well in time if you keep asking the father for the same thingand not getting it well you get tired of getting a fucking snake and then you dont ask because the other times you prayed you got the same thing a snake so why ask but it gets you upset even more is you see others getting what you asked for and i know for a fact they are not doing what god says to do its all bullshit signed tired fucking christian