Billy Burke | – Word of the Week: 1 John 3:20

“For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.” (1 John 3:20)

God is not surprised by any of our short comings, our sinful thoughts, or wrong things that we do. He knew when He came inside of us that He was in a restoration plan of a lifetime.

He created a way that we could to Him on a regular basis to get cleansed and free of the wrong things we commit on any level. However, so often after we repent and after we bring our wrong doing into the light, there’s a guilt and torment that follows you. It tells you that you didn’t do enough and your heart condemns you. That’s why John wrote this! He said, “If our heart continues to condemn us..” even after we’ve told the Lord we’re sorry and made a decision to change, that we are to get ahold of the knowledge that God is greater than our heart! God is greater than what you feel, and He knows everything.

After you’ve gone to the Lord, after you’ve repented and your heart still continues to condemn you, just look up and say, “God, I thank you that you know everything, and I thank you that you are greater than what I’m feeling!”

About The Author

Pastor Billy Burke Pastor Billy Burke. At the age of 9, Billy Burke was supernaturally healed of terminal brain cancer under the ministry of Kathryn Kulhman. Today, he has ministered to the lives of thousands around the world with the healing touch of the Jesus Christ. This channel is meant as a visual aid so you can see the power of God working in people's lives. Use it as a tool to build your faith as God prepares you for your touch, your healing and your breakthrough. Because remember, you are just one touch away from your miracle.

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