BRMinistries | – Prophecy Update – July 2021 by Brett Meador

Israel and World Current Events by Athey Creek Church –
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#ProphecyUpdate #EndTimes #BrettMeador

About The Author

BRMinistries Biblical Restoration Ministries Inc. is a non-profit Biblical counseling center whose desire is to see spiritual growth as each counselee addresses personal hurts and satanic strongholds within their lives. Thank you for your prayerful support of Biblical Restoration Ministries! All of our content is made possible by you! Your generous support and financial gifts make these videos and our Counseling ministry possible. For more information on how to support our ministry, please visit and click “About” For more information on how to support our ministry, please visit You can download our App on your phone or tablet, please visit

Comment (3)

  1. The snatching away takes place at the sixth seal not Pre-Tribulation like Darby created & Scofield promoted. The scroll has seven seals and we are NOT appointed to God's wrath which is after the seventh seal when the scroll is opened. Anyone who believes in Pre-Tribulation rapture is hearing but not reading the Word of God for themselves. There is no beginning of sorrows pass for anyone. The first 3.5 years of Daniels 70th week all people of the world will still be here. That is what the Word of God actually says.