John Piper156 Videos

John Piper | – How Not to Correct a Fellow Christian // Ask Pastor John

How can Christians challenge and correct one another in a way that honors Christ and acknowledges our common neediness before him? There are right ways to correct other believers, and there are wrong ways to correct other believers. So, what’s the difference? Romans 14:13 says, “Let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, […]

John Piper | – How Do I Serve Dying Unbelievers? // Ask Pastor John

Many medical professionals regularly find themselves around people only hours or minutes from hell. How would love call us to act in those moments? Today’s question is a follow-up. It comes from a listener named Michelle, in Wisconsin. “Hello, Pastor John, thank you for addressing a wide range of topics on this podcast,” she writes. […]

John Piper | – Why Did Demons Ask Jesus for Pigs? // Ask Pastor John

When Jesus comes, he brings deliverance, freedom, grace, and power. But some people prefer what life is like without him. A listener named Calvin from Singapore writes us today with a Bible question on Matthew 8. “Pastor John, my question is over Matthew 8:28–34. In this text, why did the demons ask Jesus’s permission to […]