In this episode of Leadership Lean In, Chad Veach teaches on the necessity of identifying what you’re not so you can lead confident and secure in who you are.

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About The Author

ZOE LA ZOE Church (Pronounced “ZOH-AY”) exists to share the hope and redemption of Jesus. We are passionate about the local church, loving God and loving people. Our church is a place where our doors are open to people of all backgrounds. The Greek translation for Zoe is “abundant life” and we hope all feel welcomed, comfortable, and loved. ZOE was founded in 2015 by Pastors Chad and Julia Veach in Los Angeles.

Comment (20)

  1. Thanks so much for these seshes Pastor Chad, I've recently become a leader in my church, and have been struggling with some of these topics, but your practical advice is so helpful. Much love

  2. This!!! I’ve had so many use me over the years, abusing my kindness, so this really hit home. Recovering from abuse with a narcissist, and so aware now to so many others that were abusing my kindness as well. Needed this. Thank you, Pastor Chad!

  3. When the Holy Spirit was teaching me about deliverance, one of the first dreams I received showed how leaders actually require more deliverance. There are more eyes one them, and so they need more prayer. Always pray for those God is using in the Harvest. We are a team who pray for one another. Each of us must stand in the place we are called, whether LA or Kyiv or anywhere else.
    Here is a video I made, part of “prayers to change the world” series, prayers for Christian leaders:

  4. Just shared this on Twitter and Quora. Sadly, on Quora I had to defend y'all from being called something like Christian Lite by a conservative Christian who couldn't see past you not wearing a suit, basically.