Charles Stanley | – Experiencing Inner Peace – Dr. Charles Stanley

If somebody asked you to define the peace of God, what would you say? In this message, Dr. Stanley explores what it means to have the genuine peace of Christ and how that stands in contrast to our own struggles and conflict. He takes us through eight powerful truths about God that we can apply to our daily lives. If we surrender our life to Him, He’s more than willing to give us the gift of His peace.

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About The Author

In Touch Ministries In Touch Ministries is a teaching ministry dedicated to leading people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthening the local church. Our prayer line is open 24/7, and our team would be honored to stand with you in prayer. Call us anytime at 1-800-789-1473.

Comment (47)

  1. Reverse psychology, is an attack against state religion, I wont accuse the Democratic states but Texas is animal farm, this practices have children nervous system under a colipse, really a democracy depends of currency and you cant treat your child with a cheese burger , enjoying your family, in prayer , disgusting,

    There is a clear reason for COVID-19. More than 60 million cases are confirmed and 1.4 million people have lost their lives. Is this just coincidence? All Catholic and Christian leaders of the world must consider this question since all problems and answers of life are in the Bible. Stop preaching and hearing lies differing from the Bible and come out of the churches that have become a home for demons. Turn to the Truth while you are alive!

  3. I live you Dr Charles stanely . When I was in an abusive relationship I would listen to him on my way to work and on my way home , I would cry when his sermons were over . I knew that I would be verbally and physically abused when I got home.

    There is a clear reason for COVID-19. More than 60 million cases are confirmed and 1.4 million people have lost their lives. Is this just coincidence? All Catholic and Christian leaders of the world must consider this question since all problems and answers of life are in the Bible. Stop preaching and hearing lies differing from the Bible and come out of the churches that have become a home for demons. Turn to the Truth while you are alive!

  5. Thank you Dr. Stanley. In 2000 I accepted Jesus when I was listening to you on my lunch break. You led me in prayer and I was overwhelmed by the holy spirit. Thank you sir! Much love and respect. God bless you, in Jesus name amen

  6. I want to pray for the ones that gives pastor charles Stanley’s videos a thumbs down . Jesus please forgive them for they don’t know what they do . Please Draw them closer to you so they can find the truth in you .. AMEN ..!

  7. God bless you Dr Stanley you have been an inspiration and blessing to me since the 90s. Your words have been a comfort in good and bad times of my life. I can't tell you enough how much you have blessed me. May God bless you and your family in Jesus Mighty Name! Merry Christmas

  8. Pray for discernment. While I trust in the sovereignty of God & don’t claim to know anyone’s heart, Charles and Andy Stanley are not very discerning or reliable sources to listen to outside of scripture.

  9. Dr Charles Stanley I watched a video you uploaded 5 years ago about suicide & you said you can be forgiven for committing suicide, this is a lie from hell & is not bibilcal.

    If we die in sin we we not be forgiven, all sins will be forgiven if repented of while the person is alive, so if you commit suicide which is a sin you cannot repent of this because you are dead you will not be saved. So what Dr Stanley is saying that if we die in sin we will be forgiven except for the unpardonable sin of blasphemy of the holy spirit but he is wrong & he will be judged for teaching such a deception

  10. Please pray for me, that God sanctifies me through Christ, and that he helps me to lose interest in anything that is not good for me. I want to surrender myself to him, so that I can be used for his benefit. Please pray that God would have mercy on my soul, and that he would purify me, protect me, strengthen the work of my hands, and give me the courage to not be of the world. Please also pray that he would bless my mother.

  11. I woke up feeling anxious. I prayed for Jesus to give me rest and peace. After a while I opened IPad and listened to a lady who had a vision and I began to drift off in a light sleep… I woke up hearing this message of peace from our faithful servant Dr. Charles Stanley. Thank you Father for answering my prayer so beautifully.

  12. For the new year… today 31 St.
    It is that God Yahweh may give us revival …I read in Isaiah that the Lord Shew for a reason…Isiah 43 versus 12…Because they had no other God…
    I feel the anointing on this. The Lord Begins to bless worship…
    "The Lord Shew because they had no other God… Look unto any idols that may have found their way into your life and throw them out…Make no compact with the God's or idols of this nation… Search your conscience to see if there is an idol there.
    Have only one God…and he may give us his presence… Thou shalt have only one God…
    Give us your presence, father you are welcome here, Yeshua you are welcome here, Holy Spirit you are welcome here.

  13. the only person we can be is ourselves and the one person we should always be praying to become more like is Jesus. if you try to be anyone else other than who God made you to be and if you try to become like the world rather than like Jesus, all you'll do is drive yourself into sheer madness and insanity.