Charles Stanley | – Satan's Strategy to Defeat Us – Dr. Charles Stanley

Why do we experience spiritual defeats—even after salvation?

Because it is so easy to overlook our spiritual enemy, who battles with us on a daily basis. Some mock the idea of a literal devil, but Scripture affirms that Satan is real, and his goals are to draw us away from God, thwart His purposes, and cause division. In this message, Dr. Stanley discusses Satan’s battleground, his many efforts to mislead and deceive, and the ways in which God’s Word is our greatest protection against the enemy’s lies.

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About The Author

In Touch Ministries In Touch Ministries is a teaching ministry dedicated to leading people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthening the local church. Our prayer line is open 24/7, and our team would be honored to stand with you in prayer. Call us anytime at 1-800-789-1473.

Comment (39)

  1. I'm truly grateful that Holy Spirit guided me to this video. I had never been so touched by a sermon before this. Thank You GOD for Pastor Charles. And I'm listening from the far east, Malaysia. Hallelujah!!!

  2. Divorce Charles living in sin again
    Satan has corrupt Charles
    Living luxuriously on wages of Sin and I'll gotten gain's from charity for God poor people.
    Charles belongs in prison with Jim bakker.

  3. One of the best ways Satan ever took over our lives was by making us believe he wasn't real. The fact that Halloween is the 2nd largest spending holiday in America is a perfect example of this. The other for me has been busyness…we can always be 'too busy' to stop and focus on Godly things.

  4. (.fyit)    If ever we needed THE LORD  before-we SURE do need HIM now.

    "Focus on GOD-and NOT your problems.") (Dr. Charles Stanley)
    ("PRAYERS destroy the enemies plans." (the late Pastor Stephen Darby):

    GOD'S message to ALL believers IS /and herein lies our POWER:
    2 CHRONICLES 7:14:

    Then if MY people, who are called by MY NAME will humble themselves, if they will PRAY and seek ME and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and I will HEAL/RESTORE their land.

    (HE did it for the righteous kings in the OLD TESTAMENT.) (KJV  )
    HE can surely do it for us.

    GOD will Bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you (HIS people.)     Pass it on…

    Are you truly God’s Eternal Family? Who can become God’s Eternal Family? Just by going to church? Just by plunging yourself in water in the name of baptism, or by having your feet washed? Everyone around the world whom God has chosen from before time began is "the house of Jacob that is all the families of the house of Israel.” Now in our generation God Himself is calling for everyone around the world who are His chosen to form "the eternal family."..

  6. Was Ra and their gods the snake in the Garden of Eden? They were jealous of God's creation and led them to the one tree that God said not to eat from. Did Ra also move Cain to kill Able? Why are their demons obsolete in the Bible? Because they are the wicked Pharisees. They led people wrong to save themselves making them the conquerer, the devourer and antichrist. If they have devoured people who are called by God's name they are demons attacking those called by God's name. Insanity.

  7. Remember this !!!! The devil comes first pretending to be the Lord Jesus Christ (666) 6th trump ,6th seal,6th vile ,, If your still in your Flesh body it's satan !!!! pretending to be the Lord ,the Lord doesn't return until the 7th trump, the farthest trump out ,, We are changed into our spiritual bodies In the twinkling of an eye,, 1st Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. REMEMBER IF YOUR IN YOUR FLESH BODY IT'S THE DEVIL (ANTI-CHRIST) meaning instead of Christ !!

  8. Can you please pray for myself and my two children please going with me and asking God to protect my family to bring us together please dr. Stanley and anyone else who reads this my name is Ralph my children are London and Legend thank you

  9. Praise God !

    Something All Christians should know:

    Water Baptism Done Correctly Including Over 12 supporting Scriptures. Believe it or not, the original water baptism was always into the name of Jesus Christ. Then in the 2nd Century it was changed by the Catholic Church. So please don't be fooled. Make sure your sins are washed away in the name of the Lord. (Acts 22:16) The Lord is Jesus Christ.

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  10. Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Mark 16:15 tells us to “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” We can do this through The Jesus Film Project. Every 83 cents donated saves a soul for all eternity somewhere in the world. Jesus tells us to store up treasures for ourselves in Heaven. You cannot take it with you, but you can send it on ahead. Please save a soul for all eternity. Send in a donation to the Jesus Film Project no matter how small. Someone’s eternity depends on it.

  11. My sweet mama, whom was called home to Heaven in 2016.. listened to Pastor Charles everyday on her lunch hour for at least a decade plus …. she loved his preaching/teaching the word of GOD