Christian Broadcasting Network | – 700 Club Interactive – The One – February 12, 2016

The amazing love story from the couple behind the “Surprise Wedding” viral video!

About The Author

CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network. CBN is a leading Christian broadcasting network featuring programs that cover everything from world news and international events to music, entertainment, and health from a Christian perspective. Programs include The 700 Club, CBN News, Christian World News, 700 Club Interactive, and more. For more, be sure to head over to Follow us on Facebook And Twitter And Instagram keywords: CBN, CBN - Christian Broadcasting Network, Pat Robertson, Gordon Robertson, Terry Meeuwsen, 700 club, 700club, CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network, CBN News, Christian News, NewsWatch, Superbook

Comment (9)

  1. Well I need a Miracle with my wife abandoned our marriage for going on 2 year's I've stayed faithful to God No matter what happens and faithful even to our marriage please pray for my wife deliverance and soon our marriage can be restored and more stronger in the Lord her name is Cynthia Jones Brady thank you God bless you.

  2. great story but his love advise is not good in my opinion. NEVER DECIDE TO GET MARRIED BASED ON EMOTIONS. It needs to be based on prayer and God's guidance. the problem with marriages these days is that people are "in love" and then "out of love" well you need to make an objective decision that you're going to make a commitment, not based on emotions but based on its been prayed about and you're looking for God's approval rather than your own desires. after you get married its not always lovey dovey, you made a commitment so you have to stick to it. .its not based on emotions. you choose to love that person and if you know God told you to be with that person then you know it will be ok as long as you are both willing to work on it and choose to love one another everyday.

  3. Good testimony and I thank God how much He loves us even in the verge of death.But removing life support from someone is like helping them to commit suicide.God is the only one who gives and takes our matter how the situation is.let God do His work