Christian Broadcasting Network | – Israel: World Leaders in Diamond Trade

You may have heard that diamonds are a girl’s best friend but what you might not know is that a lot of those diamonds come from Israel.

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CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network. CBN is a leading Christian broadcasting network featuring programs that cover everything from world news and international events to music, entertainment, and health from a Christian perspective. Programs include The 700 Club, CBN News, Christian World News, 700 Club Interactive, and more. For more, be sure to head over to Follow us on Facebook And Twitter And Instagram keywords: CBN, CBN - Christian Broadcasting Network, Pat Robertson, Gordon Robertson, Terry Meeuwsen, 700 club, 700club, CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network, CBN News, Christian News, NewsWatch, Superbook

Comment (24)

  1. I own a 1 carat diamond from this company and it is very beautiful. I am very pleased with this product and I would buy again. Please spread more positivity in this comment section.

  2. this is the 21st century?? 1st world countries have nuclear weapons while children starve nothing to eat… we rather watch athletes and celebrities drive big SUV'S while children stomachs are empty??? solar and hydro energy ….but can not grow fruit trees … more bullets then books and seeds .this is life?? 21st century. more like the 1400's nothings changed we are still in chains they put diamonds in their mouth and ears my ancestors walked over them and ignored them hunted giraffe to feed the village with real men. diamonds are better for technology it's a waste in fashion. i hate the world i live in and feel powerless

  3. Who wants a diamond? Only the spiritually bereft are hungry for diamonds. Diamonds are for people that worship idols. It is sad to see these people worship idols while children are being raped and maimed in Africa.

  4. Read up on Dan Gertler (his uncle runs the diamond exchange in Israel), Glencore, US sanctions and you'll see that the Israelis have been involved in the Congo and diamonds for a long time. Dan Gertler is the new King Leopold and along with Joseph Kabila and Israeli government support, are pillaging the Congo. Oil, cobalt, diamonds…