Derek Prince | – Israel: Past, Present & Future, Pt 5 – Israel: Glimpses of the Future, Pt 2

The name Israel occurs about 2,600 times in the Bible. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince paints a clear picture of God’s dealings with Israel—and instruction on how to pray for Israel.

About The Author

Derek Prince Derek Prince. Through our radio program, books, audio, and video it's our honor to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Use the links below to visit the Derek Prince International Office websites.

Comment (9)

  1. This man is a true servant of God, wish we had more like him. The trouble today is they are all self-serving and love their churches to get bigger as it pushes up their bank accounts. They will have to answer to God one day. I love you in Christ Derek Prince

  2. Much has indeed changed in the world since this time and today this very time the surrounding nations of Israel are planning to attack and calling for worse. These nations are all looking for political and economic positions and are greedy without fear of of God. The nations named in scriptures are indeed in position to act against Israel whom God had made more prosperous in every way. The people of Israel know a measure of peace and security. Jerusalem has been declared by the USA and a few other nations as the capital of Israel. The Gog Magog war is now thought to be the next big prophesy to be fulfilled. Nuclear weapons hold the EMP threat as a side effect of detonation. Many natural elements have stressed Iran such as water shortages. Saudi Arabia has a prince that has established agreement between 41 Arab nations to go against Iran's aggressive behaviors. Lebanon has fallen to Iran. Syria is being fought over by Turkey, Russia, Iran, and Syria. Christianity is under persecution on a huge scale. The Kurds are targeted for genocide. The are is ripe for a very large scale and threatening war where many can be killed. This tension can not linger long. USA carriers are headed to the Strait of Hormuth as I write and Syria sent bombs from Damascus towards Israel just today. The tension will be war and it very well could be the Gog Magog war. Trump has a peace treaty to announce maybe next month Jan 2019. There is no stopping Turkey or Iran or Russia as all have built up their armies and nukes. Saudi Arabia has been in civil war in Yemen for a while and it is the orse human travesty on the planet. They are not acting as the USA proxy in Syria to protect the Kurds while they attempt to stop Iran. Assad of Syria has declared the Kurds terrorists and wants to kill them all. Turkey is attempting to reclaim the lands of the Ottoman Empire and have declared Israel a terrorist state along with Syria. Israel is hated by all muslim states. The Saudis are cooperating with the USA because they need/want weapons and backup against Iran, a shared enemy.