J.D. Farag | – Bible Prophecy Update – February 23rd, 2020

Pastor J.D. talks about how the world’s perils and plagues may turn people to the Lord. – Those wishing to give to Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, please visit [support us];———————————————————————————————————–
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About The Author

J.D. Farag J.D. Farag, Bible Prophecy - End Times - Pastor - Speaker Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Bible Prophecy speaker and Pastor, J.D. Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe in Hawaii. With over 700 Million minutes watched, this is one of YouTube's most popular channels related to End Times news and global events. Born in Beirut Lebanon to an Egyptian father and Palestinian mother, Pastor J.D. Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, Hawaii loves Israel and offers a unique Arab perspective concerning the Middle East in Bible prophecy. J.D. and his wife were married in 1988 and currently reside on the Windward side of Oahu with their three children. ------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA DISCLAIMER: • Any comments containing profanity will be deleted. • By posting comments on this channel, you give Pastor J.D. Farag the irrevocable right to reproduce, distribute, publish, display, edit, modify, create derivative works from, and otherwise use your submission for any purpose in any form and on any media.

Comment (46)

  1. Thank you Pastor JD Farag!! I couldn't agree more. Literally everything going on is God warning us and many ppl are in denial. Please pray for my family to come to accept Jesus. The devils greatest lie told is "there's still time…." God bless all of you brothers and sisters!

  2. Everything is converging and yet mainstream media and online social media trying to silence voices related to what is coming. It seems like they don't want people to know and rather be in panic model so they turn to their anti-christ rather than real Christ. Even some of my comments on Coronavirus are being deleted randomly. Keep praying so God can wake people up and lead them to the truth.

  3. The Lord is calling onto us. I've haven't been going to church and I've had a bible in the house but haven't opened it in some time. In other words it's been some time since I've heard the word of God. A few months ago 3-4 I opened my bible and started with Genesis. I already knew the story of Adam and Eve but I haven't reread it as an adult and when you typically read a "book" you start with the beginning. I remember telling my mother about reading the bible again and I told her about genesis. She told me to jump to the book of revelation and I did so. I followed along with kjv on audio and I heard things from that book whitch I've never heard in church. Forgive me if I need a correction but I remember hearing something to do with a Dragon with multiple heads and crowns, also animals with parts of other animals. So I was curious what it was saying and I found out that is was speaking of proficy. Shortly after I found this church on YouTube and I know God was being patient with me and I now I feel my spirit has awoken and I couldn't be any more excited to be with the Lord. If you're still reading this time is growing shorter every day. God bless you and anyone in your heart that you are worried about. God will take care of it.

  4. Thank you so much for your diligent teaching, explaining, and warning of the flock. A genuine question here: I so love the Titanic & lifeboats analogy and how there is an obscuring of the proliferating warning signs surrounding us. I hear your warning to the church, that they should be getting in the lifeboats. Here is the genuine question that I am truly praying about and trying to grasp: for the true born-again believers (even those who are not watching diligently for the coming Bridegroom), what is really the "warning"? So, per this analogy, why is it important for a believer to 'get in the lifeboat' and to 'get ready'? I do see how the 'overcomer' per the message to the church of Philadelphia promises they will be saved from the coming wrath. And, Luke 12:37 speaks of the 'blessing for the servant who is on watch when the Master comes". I am trying to discern between "all true believers will hear the trumpet blast and be out of hear" and the idea that many in the church should wake up, start watching, etc. I lean toward the former in general understanding, but the latter does make me wonder a lot. I sort of ask the question, "so what IF many of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are not even considering the imminent return of Christ and not being watchful?" I have a hard time imagining they 'miss the boat' so to speak. Many people were jaded in the past by date-setters and now either subscribe to a preterist, pre-wrath, or post-trib theology or just don't even try to look at the signs. One understanding I have says that if they are born-again and have their names in the Lamb's book of life, they're 'ready' and have oil in their lamps even if their eyes are not watchful. Another understanding I grapple with is that there is a need to 'warn' the church (certainly we warn the world and the unsaved which goes without saying) because there is a blessing for the one who's master finds him waiting. Should the church be warned? And, very seriously asking this: why so if they are born-again? For me, I am watching, waiting, and I long for His return!


  6. I cried with J.D. They all suffer from normalcy bias. The ship is sinking. They know where the lifeboats are, yet they are still only part full. I have dreamed since childhood of a great tornado coming towards a group of people. I scream out for them to seek shelter but the ignore or mock me. I watch helplessly as they are sucked into the winds. That dream didn't make sense at age 6, but it sure makes sense today.

  7. While visiting a close friend this past week who is a unbeliever she asked me to pray for her and her husband who are starting IVF. I hope as I visit more I can share more with her about Our Lord Jesus Christ. Her request may not be a sure hint that I’ve planted a seed but she has never EVER mentioned God or prayer before to me. Could you guys pray for her and her families salvation, God bless you all and Pastor JD

  8. I usually really like your videos Pastor, but this ones a little off, your talking about Christians not “getting in the life boat” ALL true Christians ARE in the lifeboat, regardless of whether they are concerned about current events, the only difference is are they sitting in the life boat or helping others get into the life boat, but regardless we al, have a reserved seat.

  9. I want to share with you something that I was told a little bit ago. No Word of God returns void. He said that you could be sitting there talking to someone & maybe they don't seem to get it. But there's suffering all around us so pray for the person you're talking to that they will get it soon & know that someone has heard what you said and it was a life savor. Don't be afraid to share the Gospel.

  10. The Lord could save the whole island of Oahu!
    And the Lord could use US to lead a tiny part of our own city to the gospel..
    This virus, and the fearful state of people, opens up conversation about the gospel, and the prophetic fulfillment.. Jesus is life, joy, and peace.. The world desperately wants that right now.. We are the ones whom Jesus has sent.. ❤

  11. My heart breaks to watching so called christians asleep..the Lord led me to start sounding the alarm in June..Showing birthpains..I have came up to so Many Christians who will even get mad at me..Praise God for the few that is awakening..But most are asleep they put their Faith in man not God..My heart breaks it tears me up.,I have to ask the Lord for strength and I keep pushing on..Our redemption draweth nigh..Thank you Pastor I been watching your sermons for 2 yrs.,

  12. Pastor J.D., I have a question. I started reading a book by Ryan Speakman this week. It was clear to me that he believes differently from what we believe about the Rapture. He feels the Rapture of the church will happen Post Tribulation period. Do you know anything about Ryan and what are your thoughts about his teaching?

  13. Daniel 12 is the rapture need to read. When Micheal stands under the invasion of Israel from Eziekel war God comes down church goes up tells all the dead will rise and those living will be taking home . Have you notice there is only one of the Trinity at one time . When God's here Jesus and Church are in heaven . Jesus was here He said if he didn't leave the comforter or Holy spirit won't come . When God returns Christ will remove the bride

  14. Dear_____ ,

    I love you with all my heart and I am honored to call you my _____ . Having you In my life has truly been a blessing. I have recently been given a great truth that I wanted to share with you; God is Real and our eternal destiny depends on believing in him. The simplest way to explain Salvation through Jesus Christ can be found below. I know you are a believer, but I wanted to send you this information in case you haven’t quite seen it expressed this way before. I know I had not.

    Rom ‪3:10‬ As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
    Rom ‪3:23‬ For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
    Rom ‪6:23‬ For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
    Joh ‪3:16‬ God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    Eph 1:7  In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

    Rom 10:9 If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    Rom ‪10:13‬ For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
    Act 4:12  Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

    I pray that all will come to the loving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that we can spend eternity together, joyfully giving him thanks and praise. All glory to God His love endures forever.


  15. Thank you so much for the End Time Prophecy teaching. I discovered your videos about three weeks ago. I watch at least fours a day of the videos. I know we are in the End Times. I see it all the time, play out in front of my eyes. Keep up the good works. I am learning and excited.

  16. When pastor said he wonders if people know about what is ahead of us when he is out and about really struck me. I do the same thing. Living in Southern California with all its vanity and excess makes me wonder if any of them know that their fancy cars, clothes and homes won’t save them. They’re just zombies going through the motions. It’s very sad.

  17. Pastor farag no one is addressing this question so I'm addressing it to you.no one is telling from the Christian community the Jewish people that they will go through another Holocaust.all we talk about is how they're building third Temple and I have her know pastor telling them that they will go through it and their army will not save them. Even your friend amir is not discussing this.yes I know that the Jewish people in his real many are secular and non-religious but unless they hear about the end times from us is that not something we should do regardless of how they take it or not and I have left the same message for amir.all I hear is are supporting information on their building the third Temple without telling them that this is futile because they will be slaughtered in the tribulation.p when are you going to address this issue pastor for us

  18. The other issue I have a real problem with is Ezekiel 42 to the end of the chapter.yes I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God but how could Jesus stay in Ezekiel that animal sacrifice will be conducted in the new Temple when Jesus reigns on Earth.I know from the Bible study that Ezekiel new what Solomon's Temple look like and that the dimensions he talks about our are not the same as Solomon'sI reread the entire passages again today and Jesus is talking about reinstituting the old priesthood etc and all of the customs. This makes no sense because he is the supreme sacrifice for all of sis and it's cruel to sacrifice animals. I only heard one commentary said briefly set this sacrifice may be in commemoration of what they did before. This is nonsense.I have left the same request for a miracle please tell us what in the world is talking about because this conflicts with the very nature of jesus's death. And in Ezekiel he sees an angel and Jesus separately.what in the world could this be talking about because animal sacrifices cruel and means nothing at this point. What is wrong with this part of scripture.

  19. Amen. Pray for my daughters. They know the way and the truth but choose to go in another direction. Praying they return to the Lord whole heartedly and with a hunger and desire for Jesus salvation and relationship. I also have grandchildren and living with mom but far from me. Pray for me too, wisdom, strength, peace, love and understanding and I keep praying for them.

  20. November 7th 2020 Donald J. Trump has been voted out of The Oval Office. The First One Term President in Thirty Years. Today America's First President to soil the Honor of The Office of The President in his attempts to be The First American Dictator. Today, America told Donald Trump "Your Fired!"… America can begin healing from the Rot that he brought to Our Country.