Jon Jorgenson | – Dating Non-Believers

Can a Christian date a non-Christian? Will I be unequally yoked? Is dating okay? How can Christians date in a more healthy way? In today’s video, we talk about a biblical view of dating, and the decision process for any dating relationship.

Jon Jorgenson is an author, speaker, and spoken word poet whose YouTube videos have been viewed by more than 15 million people. Jon partners with numerous organizations including Awana International, Moody Bible Institute, the Willow Creek Association, and hundreds of other churches, colleges, and conferences all over the globe. His spoken word poetry provides a dynamic and creative experience that captures the imagination of audiences everywhere. As a former Broadway actor, Chicago native, and very lucky husband, Jon hopes to provide a fresh, unique voice to some of life’s most difficult and challenging questions.

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dating non-christians
dating non-believers
can a christian date a non-christian
can a christian date a non-believer
christian dating
unequally yoked
christian dating advice

About The Author

JonJorgenson Jon Jorgenson is an author, speaker, and spoken word poet whose YouTube videos have been viewed by more than 15 million people. Jon partners with numerous organizations including Awana International, Moody Bible Institute, the Willow Creek Association, and hundreds of other churches, colleges, and conferences all over the globe. His spoken word poetry provides a dynamic and creative experience that captures the imagination of audiences everywhere. As a former Broadway actor, Chicago native, and very lucky husband, Jon hopes to provide a fresh, unique voice to some of life’s most difficult and challenging questions. JonJorgenson

Comment (45)

  1. My dad is an atheist and my mother is a Catholic. They have been happily married for 21 years. Religion has not bought tension but discussion and healthy debate. Idk why you think that if you're an atheist you are somehow below catholics and are a bad person

  2. I just want to say that I am very impressed that a man is young as you has as much wisdom as you do and I know where that came from. Also I wanted say that I enjoyed your sense of humor very funny you got it going on Mr!

  3. Best video I’ve seen on this so far!!!

    The Bible does not talk about dating, so it is a gray area. If you are married to an unbeliever that is not a sin either. So dating an unbeliever cannot be a sin, but it can lead you to sin since they are of the world.

    2 Corinthians 6:14 is not talking about dating or marriage specifically, it is talking about idolatry (which the Corinthians struggled with). If being unequally yoked had to do with your relationships, Paul would have told them to divorce their unbelieving partners, but notice he says the exact opposite. Paul says that being unequally yoked is like Christ partnering with the devil, so if it were about relationships this would mean leave the devil! That would also mean you should apply that verse to every other aspect of your life, work, friends, family, etc. But clearly that isn't the point.

    There's also the other issue of you cannot ever know if someone is a Christian or not. You can make your best guess but ultimately that is between them and God.

    I once dated a non believer and she came to know Christ and be baptized. I don't look back at my relationship and think "thank God I was sinning so she could become a Christian". Continual, unrepentant sin, doesn't lead to good things for us. God wouldn't have you keep sinning, until it is not a sin anymore. That's because dating (in a vaccuum) isn't a sin, and marriage or being married is not a sin!

    I am not here advocating that any Christian should go out and find some secular guy or gal. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do your best to find a Christian. Trust me, you'll connect with them far more than you do anyone else. I've had super close non believing friends for years! But my Christian friends I've had for only 1, and I already feel just as close to them!!!! That's because your believing friends understand who you really are!!!! Your unbelieving friends can not understand that!

    If you are currently dating a non believer, do as I did, and make sure you are pursuing God and being a light to them always!!!!!

  4. As a non-Christian who grew up in the south, all you're reinforcing is the absolute rejection I've experienced my entire life. I've avoided Christians my entire life because of all the times I was called a "bad person" and I was broken up with because of not being "equally yoked". The woman I'm with is the first person who actually makes me feel comfortable asking questions about Christianity and truly acts Christ-like. It's really sad how many negative articles there are about Christians dating non-Christians, especially when I watched "good southern Christian men" abuse their partners more times than I can count. No matter how you sit here and justify it you're just another hate monger.
    Believe it or not, "GOD" doesn't only belong to Christians, many non-Christians believe in GOD but are deeply turned off by Christianity because of the hate and discrimination that many Christians practice while preaching love and bullshit.

  5. Soooo truuuueee about spiritual compatibility! I’m a Christian and my bf is Hindu and the only reason we’re getting along is because I’ve fallen off the wagon and have NOT been putting God first. I can tell that if I chose to go to church and be more “God-like” I would not get along well with him.

  6. Everyone please take my advice. We in life will always be unequally yoked with either our friends, family, and loved ones. It us believers to be the bible they haven’t read yet. And if this person seems to be WILLING to learn about your faith and go to church with you (before dating) then give them a chance because although I was talking to an unbeliever, I learned so much about my God by showing them. Don’t convert them, show them why you believe in this. And let your actions do all the talking(: If God wants to change their hearts for you, he will.

  7. yeah i can say with some confidence FUCK YOU BUD! Me and my fiancee have been together for three years have a house, two kids, two pets, and a great relationship. yeah we may have different beliefs but we love and respect each other and my dude THATS ALL IT TAKES! so fuck off

  8. i am dating a non believer for 6 months now honestly it is not easy i love him so much what is funny is he treats me good i know he doesn't cheat He even understands that i can not have sex outside marriage i have been praying to God to see signs that will give a reason to leave him, when i end things he keeps coming back of course i take him back because i love him ,Deep down i want a Godly man He does not drink nor smoke ,He has such a great personality but this is hard for me i feel like am sinning .

  9. Wise, spiritual, and obedient brethren & sisters of Christ hearken to Almighty God:
    "17 The Lord says, “Get away from unbelievers.
    Separate yourselves from them.
    Have nothing to do with anything unclean.
    Then I will welcome you.”

    18 The Lord Almighty says, “I will be your Father,
    and you will be my sons and daughters.”
    2 Cor @-18 (GW)

    "14 Stop forming inappropriate relationships with unbelievers. Can right and wrong be partners? Can light have anything in common with darkness?

    15 Can Christ agree with the devil? Can a believer share life with an unbeliever? 16 Can God's temple contain false gods? Clearly, we are the temple of the living God. As God said,

    “I will live and walk among them.
    I will be their God,
    and they will be my people.”

    17 The Lord says, “Get away from unbelievers.
    Separate yourselves from them.

    Have nothing to do with anything unclean.
    Then I will welcome you.”

    18 The Lord Almighty says, “I will be your Father,
    and you will be my sons and daughters.”
    2 Cor @-18 (GW)

  10. I dated a boy who wasn't Christian and he would constantly shame me for my beliefs but when I found out he was drinking and doing drugs I was the bad guy because he felt like I was shaming him and forcing my religious views on him

  11. I have been in a on and off relationship for the last 10 years. He is not a believer and doesnt plan to be. He has promised in the past to ask questions and try to understand christianity but has showed no effort. I have been getting more involved in my church and thinking about my future. I'm not sure where to go from here. I have always wanted to be the one to bring him to Christ but I feel like this relationship is holding me back rather than doing any good. I'm so lost right now and not sure what to do but will continue to pray for God's guidance.

  12. God so loved the world that He sent his only Son to die that whoever would believe in Him wouldn’t perish in hell for eternity with no way out but have eternal life and be happy forever! Jesus died and then after 3 days He rose from the dead! Turn away from your sins. Be baptized by water in the name of Jesus Christ only and be baptized by the Holy Spirit! “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Repent so that you go to heaven and not hell. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10 Follow Jesus! He’s the only way to heaven. We need to trust and obey him if we want to go. Obeyyyy. Only by Gods sacrifice on the cross are we able to go to heaven. It is by His grace and mercy that we have the choice to choose eternal life or torment. Believe in His sacrifice that He is Lord who can pay for your sins. Surrender to His will by changing your life and turn away from sin to obey Gods commands. “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21

    (Jesus said these 2 things.) He’s real and He’s coming back. God is coming back! God bless you ❤️