Joseph Prince | – How The Holy Spirit Guides Us | Joseph Prince

Child of God, did you know that health, wholeness, provision, and the limitless resources that belong to your heavenly Father are yours to receive today?
This excerpt is from: All That Is Mine Is Yours—Discover Abba’s Heart For You (8 Nov 2020)

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See your Abba Father’s gracious heart to pour out His bountiful supply on you when you possess the Spirit of sonship through Jesus’ finished work. In this enlightening message by Joseph Prince, you’ll learn how you can:

• Go from barrenness to fruitfulness when you come freely and boldly to your Abba Father for all you [support us] /> • See God’s healing and miracles flow in your life when you are established in His gift of [support us] /> • Grow in maturity as a believer the more you understand the new covenant of [support us] /> • Be guided by the Spirit in every area of your life, including your relationships, parenting, ministry, and workplace.

Beloved, when you have a revelation of how much your Abba Father wants to have an intimate, loving relationship with you, you can’t help but inherit all of His promises in your life!

0:00 It’s Time To Own Our Spirit Of Sonship!
1:41 What Happens When We Walk In The Spirit
2:35 The Father Is Most Pleased When We Approach Him As Father
3:15 How The Holy Spirit Guides Us
4:29 What It Means When The Spirit “Bears Witness” With Us
5:51 Practical Ways The Holy Spirit Leads Us
9:17 Get A Free Copy Of Unstoppable Faith When You Order Give Me This Mountain!

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About The Author

Joseph Prince Joseph Prince is a leading voice in proclaiming the gospel of grace around the world through his teaching resources and television ministry. With more than two decades of full-time ministry behind him, Joseph is known for teaching God's Word in a fresh, practical, and revelatory way that always unveils Jesus. He is the senior pastor of New Creation Church In Singapore, which has a congregation of 30,000, and separately heads Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc, a broadcast ministry that seeks to build, encourage and inspire people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Joseph Prince For the latest, most exclusive & best-priced Joseph Prince resources, please visit

Comment (41)

  1. How does the spirit of sonship operate? By the cry, “Abba, Father!” The Holy Spirit left the word Abba, meaning “Daddy” or “Papa,” untranslated in Romans 8:15 so that we will know that God wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him. Seeing God as Daddy and calling Him “Daddy” or “Papa” removes any distance and breaks down every barrier between you and God. It brings you into an intimate relationship with God and that’s how the spirit of sonship operates.

    So beloved, have a spirit of sonship. Don’t see God as an impersonal, distant being who doesn’t really care how you feel. Have this sense of intimacy with Him all the time and start being led by the Spirit to walk in a greater measure of your Daddy’s blessings!

    Find out more about this latest message, All That Is Mine Is Yours—Discover Abba's Heart For You (Nov 8, 2020) in the official Joseph Prince app. Visit to download the app today.

  2. Amen it’s beautiful truth I receive in my spirit. Please pray for me. I need God in this month of November to provide for my financial needs and debts cancellation. In Jesus Christ name I believe and receive ameni

  3. How can I know He’s forgiven me? How can I know He still loves me and hasn’t left me? I was hype for Him and was active in church then things got crazy and my faith snapped and I had unbelief. I’d still call on Jesus at my lowest but since then it’s been different.

  4. Amen and amen. Jesus is really wonderful who has given his life for someone who rebelled against him. Unconditional love. Still giving us more and more. Thank you Jesus for this message which you have given me through pastor prince.