Lex Meyer | – The temptation of Yeshua

What can we learn from the temptation of Yeshua? He was tempted by the lust of the flesh, the list of the eyes, and the pride of life. How did He resist temptation and how can we do the same?

Sermon by Lex Meyer at the Grafted Church
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About The Author

The Grafted Church The Grafted Church. We are a community of believers who follow Yeshua (Jesus) and love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We are passionate about the Word of God, and we do our best to live according to God's instructions.

Comment (7)

  1. Hi Lex, My name is Lily.
    (My Husband and I share an account)
    I just wanted to say thank you for all of the videos that you post. I started praying for a church to go to and not even a week later, I found your channel "Unlearn The Lies". All of your videos are so full of wisdom and great teaching. Yeshua definitely helped me to find your videos! This was also the first time I watched one of your live sermons. I felt so touched the minute you started talking because I am doing my first 40 day fast. I thought it was incredible how Yeshua was speaking through you. Thank you for all you do and I hope we can meet in person someday! We love you and your teaching! God bless you and peace be with you! ❤

  2. Wow, my brother Lex, ths sermon is very much appreciated, to hear on this topic, within this church, that I am so glad to be apart of, its amazing, I Glorify YWYH, Our Savior, because me and my family have been struggling to find a ministry in our area, I have been studying with you for awhile, and I needed this sermon…..as a matter of fact I need to hear it again, because to overcome consist of a lot of ourselves surrendering, to the ALL MIGHTY…..Thank you.

  3. Hey, thanks for all you do for the Lord great sermon. I have a question that dosent involve the sermon. Why is it that Hebrew and Greek were the main languages and not like a Arabic because that's what they really spoke at that time? Like I don't think Adam and eve spoke Hebrew or Greek if they were formed in Africa.