Paul Begley | – Breaking: "US Sends 2 Aircraft Carriers Into China Sea"

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About The Author

Paul Begley Pastor Paul Begley is a pastor from Indiana that gives you current events and how they relate to the Bible We always offer a call to salvation and Jesus is adding to the church daily. We offer free Bibles to new converts! We send free anointed prayer cloths, prayer blankets and chemo caps to those who need a healing. If you feel led to help with the postage or the broadcasting costs you can donate at: Coming Apocalypse air live Mon - Fri 12p - 2pm ET And Sunday night Live 7p - 10pm ET Coming Apocalypse airs on Direct TV 367 Fri 11:30pm ET Like my fb @ Follow me on Twitter pastorbegley Follow me on Periscope Pastorbegley Current News Updates, Facts and Fair Comments, Religions, Politics, Opinions, Humor, Freedom, Bible Prophecy, Bible Studies and more Paul Begley

Comment (46)

  1. Possible theatrics to agitate? Biden is pretty deep with China. What Biden is doing is trying to make us forget how he and many businesses are sold out to China. What we see and what is could be two entirely different things.

  2. Well perhaps Biden is trying to destroy all the evidance China has against His family. If it was serious China would release all the shady deals they have on President Biden. Make him loose face.

  3. Don't worry, Biden is probably just sending more of our technology to China for them to copy. Since old Joe is owned by the Chinese, there won't be a war. At least not with them, but he will end up starting something with another country no one knows the location of.

  4. It's all a stage .While you are watching a soap they are getting ready to depopulate the world with weather weapons and vaccines . The NWO is depopulation . Gradually your gonna lose your jobs and be relocated . A reset is going to happen and all countries are in on it. World stage .

  5. We are being set up for a fake invasion biden is playing a game then everyone will thank it's it's china they will be on america street biden will welcome them it's a set up government is lieing about everything time to smell the coffee