Paul Begley | – Prophetic View: “Hill Of Evil Council” United Nations In Jerusalem

[support us] The United Nations Headquarters sits on the “Hill of Evil Council” [support us] also [support us] also Help Us Spread the Word [support us];hosted_button_id=D7WQL22GHQY2U also [support us] also [support us] also [support us] also [support us] also [support us] and
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About The Author

Paul Begley Pastor Paul Begley is a pastor from Indiana that gives you current events and how they relate to the Bible We always offer a call to salvation and Jesus is adding to the church daily. We offer free Bibles to new converts! We send free anointed prayer cloths, prayer blankets and chemo caps to those who need a healing. If you feel led to help with the postage or the broadcasting costs you can donate at: Coming Apocalypse air live Mon - Fri 12p - 2pm ET And Sunday night Live 7p - 10pm ET Coming Apocalypse airs on Direct TV 367 Fri 11:30pm ET Like my fb @ Follow me on Twitter pastorbegley Follow me on Periscope Pastorbegley Current News Updates, Facts and Fair Comments, Religions, Politics, Opinions, Humor, Freedom, Bible Prophecy, Bible Studies and more Paul Begley

Comment (27)

  1. Hi all! We are living in crazy times and every single significant event was foretold in the Bible thousands of years ago (really). If you died today would you be in heaven tomorrow? I don't care about subs or likes, I only hope that you would take a few minutes and check out my one and only video to be sure. It is important. God bless you!

  2. i think that God is not blind Paul; on the tempelmount is a mosche with bachometh; the Evel face is on his mountain on a moschee and not His holley TEMPEL with the LAW! And donald trump want to build a tempel with golden cows and blood sacrifation….babilon babilon God of israel is not Blind.

  3. There you go, they took the American buildings, said it was no good and built the same things. So what have the last 200 years been about? Infiltration, y'know it's just one second after they found out what they wanted to know.

  4. One of seven hills. Jerusalem ruled the world and shall again. Matthew 23:37 KJV: O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, [thou] that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together. Before Rome Jerusalem killed the Christians.

  5. I thank you for sharing with us the places that the Lord leads you to. What a blessing it would be to be able to experience it personally. I am sure many others feel the same too . Thank you for giving a preview of what you are working on . I am sure it will all be a blessing when it is finished . I am looking forward to Hiedi pictures, I hope she shares them in another magazine. Big thank you to both of you ♥️♥️♥️♥️