Paul Begley | – Breaking “Massive Sinkhole New Zealand” Prophecy Revealed

The biggest Sinkhole In New Zealand history rips the Earth apart [support us] also [support us] also [support us] also [support us];affiliate_source=affiliate_noble107 also – [support us] also [support us] also [support us] (Use Promo Code: Paul) also [support us] (Use Promo Code: Paul) also [support us] also [support us] also [support us];[support us] also

About The Author

Paul Begley Pastor Paul Begley is a pastor from Indiana that gives you current events and how they relate to the Bible We always offer a call to salvation and Jesus is adding to the church daily. We offer free Bibles to new converts! We send free anointed prayer cloths, prayer blankets and chemo caps to those who need a healing. If you feel led to help with the postage or the broadcasting costs you can donate at: Coming Apocalypse air live Mon - Fri 12p - 2pm ET And Sunday night Live 7p - 10pm ET Coming Apocalypse airs on Direct TV 367 Fri 11:30pm ET Like my fb @ Follow me on Twitter pastorbegley Follow me on Periscope Pastorbegley Current News Updates, Facts and Fair Comments, Religions, Politics, Opinions, Humor, Freedom, Bible Prophecy, Bible Studies and more Paul Begley

Comment (47)

  1. A powerful volcanic eruption in Indonesia winds ash 7,500 meters into the atmosphere.

    "It is the 1,800 meter high Soputan volcano in the north of the island of Sulawesi, which has been bursting," said a spokesperson for the country's disaster preparedness, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.

  2. Wake up the planet is growing , please look I love the Father the Son the Holy Spirit, the Father tells me to always test the spirit, test it with the light for the dark will always run from the light of the truth, God Bless us all who love the Father. thx lol

  3. I pray for each and everyone of you in the comments box .and in the online church.father give them Devine protection and destroy all evil forces and demonic influinces hurrasding them in Jesus name and restore to health all who are sick and bless them and give them favor and be with Jesus name.

  4. Hello Pastor Paul..I have a prayer request for my mother Marlene who is 82 and has vertigo and has recently fallen and broke her hip.When she comes home, my father,Perley,who is a baptist preacher and 85 yrs old wants to help her as much as he can and does not want her to go to a home(nor do i) so they both need prayer for protection and healing and strength.. Also,my brother Joel who had cancer and still has mental illness is now gone back to smoking Marijuana after being off it for 3 yrs. he is not doing very well. i do homecare for him and he is acting very irrationally these days so please pray for him for healing. Ty and God bless!

  5. How about some info on this 'hole' where at? How long,deep when did they find it What was damaged, something, nothing. by the pick it looks like its out in the middle of nowhere could of bin there a month,was there a EQ in the area? Looks like nothing compared to the east valley's of Africa rift going on.

  6. You sir, are a idiosyncratic, intellectually blind fool.
    This was literally just caused by weak ground structure and frequent rain. Quit trying to fit your multi-thousand year old speculative text to a scientifically recognised and understood phenomena; it is not the most likely explanation, nor is it something even resembling a logical explanation.

  7. I Am preparing the world for My Second Coming and many will hate Me for this

    Those who try to bully others and who torment them, using My Holy Word, commit a grave error. They do not use the Gift of love to impart the Truth. Instead, hatred, which is caused by the sin of pride, courses through their veins.

    For those of you who understand the Truth contained in the Most Holy Book, the Bible, know that you must not abuse this Great Gift of knowledge. You must never take away from it or add to it. Nor must you try to create any new interpretations or meanings from it.

    I Am preparing you all, only because the majority of you would not accept My Divine Mercy otherwise. Were I not to prepare you properly, then you would not be ready.