Randy Frazee | – Awaken – Week 3 – Jim Cymbala – 53120

Jim Cymbala

“I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. – Matthew 3:11

Going Deeper

1. Pastor Jim defined revival in the New Testament era as: the return of the Holy Spirit to His rightful place in the church and with His followers. He mentions three steps that move us toward bringing the Holy Spirit back to the rightful place in our lives: prayer, confession of sin and rectifying relationships. Which of these do you feel the Spirit prompting you to take action?

2. Pastor Jim referenced the Holy Spirit throughout his message. Have you spent much time thinking about/ studying the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit’s activity look like in your life? Is He active in your life?

3. “Fire spreads. It is contagious.” Is the Spirit’s promptings of revival burning inside you – calling you to open up and allow that flame to spread to anyone you encounter? If not, have you asked why?

About The Author

Westside Family Church - WFC Westside is all about loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, sharing Jesus. You will experience this biblical mission in our worship, our many exciting LifeStudies, our LifeGroups, and throughout our growing kids and student ministries. Our community campuses, hundreds of small community groups, and our local and global missions efforts testify to Westside's investments to be a truly missional church. Westside Family Church - WFC

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