Rick Joyner | – September 2021 Partners Webinar: Where Does Our Help Come From?

Tune in tonight at 8pm to join Dave Yarnes and Bobby Conner as they discuss current events and share prophetic insight on the coming days during the MorningStar Partners Webinar!

Bobby Connor has an extensive ministry background as a Southern Baptist pastor, and ministers in a high-level, proven prophetic anointing. He believes his calling is to equip the body of Christ to hear and discern God’s voice in these times. He is well loved and best known the world over for his sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Highly esteemed as an internationally acclaimed conference speaker, Bobby has ministered effectively to over forty-five nations as well as here in the States for many years. Bobby and his wife Carolyn founded Eagles View Ministries: a global ministry mandated to establish the Kingdom of God through the demonstration of God’s power and also called to empower and equip the Body of Christ to take dominion.


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About The Author

MorningStar Ministries MorningStar Ministries with Rick Joyner including prophetic perspectives on current events, teaching vidoes and worship videos by the MorningStar worship team. Website http://www.morningstarministries.org MorningStar TV http://www.morningstartv.com MorningStar Ministries Facebook http://www.facebook.com/morningstarmin

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