Seun Jonathan | – One Careless Night 2

In a Bid to cover up her past mistake, she made an innocent man guilty. It was a night that changed their destiny. Featuring Jumoke Sasere, Isreal ore-Adewole, Gloria Bamiloye

About The Author

Pastor Seun Jonathan - PSJ Isaiah 60:11. "Therefore your gates shall be open continually; They shall not be shut day or night, That men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles, And their kings in procession." Be blessed by Inspiring Messages from GOD from across the World! New Videos regularly! Subscribe today and Share with others., POGEM TV Ministry. +14034000218, +2348035641420, Pastor Seun Jonathan - PSJ Interac/Zelle -

Comment (47)

  1. so? what they mean is that children are not a gift from the most high so they want to throw her away bcs she is pregnant? this is one of those things that jesus dislike about the jerusalem preachers! no one said that what she did is right, but for heavens sake the deed has been done!

  2. Fornication is the sin and not the pregnancy. What the so called pastors should be testing before granting any woman the right to wed should be VIRGINITY TEST – if they are really serious. I strongly feel that this act of testing ladies for pregnancy before wedding violates the fundamental human rights of such a one. The government and other bodies should seriously look into this issue.

  3. The holier than thou attitude of so many so called pastors is primarily based on the wrong interpretation of the scriptures and their own misguided zeal to play God when they are only mortals. It is only God who truly know who has offended Him and who has truly repented, and the only who can ultimately forgive or condemn anyone.

  4. Let no one forget the words of Jesus to the accusers of the woman who was caught in the act of adultery: LET HIM WHO HAVE NO SIN BE THE FIRST TO THROW A STONE A STONE AT HER. Those accusers were honest and humble enough to leave that woman alone. Modern day Nigerian 'pastors' would have stoned her.

  5. this situation causes a lot of confusion in churches.i have seen it.if he covers them and conducts d wedding,he will be castigated when d girl gives birth in 7 mths.a way out is to tell d church they are pregnant,ask them to repent,and then conduct d wedding.

  6. The thing has happened n the ppl involved are getting married. The best thing is to marry them off n then story closed, but let them know wat the bible says bout wat they've done, it is then left btw they n God….Cos the most important thing is for them to ask forgiveness of the Lord

  7. word?? sin is sin; no more no less so let God be the judge. Post marital sex is an equal sin to lying, stealing others so y is da pastor want to take God's place or is it not in the same church they r teaching abt ''FORGIVENESS''??

  8. Actually the pastor is plain wrong. We human being , we care a lot abt our names, reputation n all the rest. What the couple did was wrong but the pastor's decision is not based on upon anything else if not what people will say n his own reputation. Why not leave everything to God/ Jesus Himself since He alone has the last

  9. so should couples that falter and engage in premarital sex not marry each other? surely, wouldn't our forgiving Father forgive their sin if they repent? what about the child that she will bear? Is this perhaps why women choose to have abortions because of the stigma they will go thru? now they should step down frome working in the church because they are not a good example to the rest.

  10. Oh please don't blasphem. To follow Jesus is a choice and they both made that choice so they should respect the Bible. I'm not saying they should be crucified but what they did was wrong according to the Bible. So please don't ''ass'' the Church coz they knew the rule.

  11. don't blame the Bible blame the distortion of the perfect word of God. That is the disease of religion. Jesus did not come to bring religion to the word. He came to give life. All these nonsense some of these churches do is an unfortunate result of ignorance of who God is and his destiny for us. they are getting married for goodness sake. is she suppose to be a single mother now?

  12. I think you are a judge. Go ahead and judge but that is not what Matthew 7:1 and Luke 6:37 says. But as a christian, I am sure that is what you do and just did. Also you don't have to be a worker in a church to obey Jesus, the problem are the people who were about to stone the adulteress woman. Jesus(the one we should be following) went to save her not kill her or condemn her. You either follow Jesus or act like a Saducee becoming a judge.

  13. @Oyekorode Also the last time I checked the woman in the Bible and the woman here did not have sex with themselves, but to show the ignorance of man, the women are the ones condemned. I don't think that is what Jesus did. But since you are a christian you should know what Jesus said to those who were about to condemn the adulteress women to death. You should also know what Jesus said to the woman. Jesus came that we may have life, he came to forgive and clean us from all our iniquity.

  14. @royalstarr1. Thanks so much for your comment. But i want to ask you a very simple question, if by the grace of God you were made to be the head of your sunday school class and somebody ask you a question similar to what we are discussing now, are you telling me that this is how you will rise to defend immorality? But remember, loyalty is a noble quality which Christians should demonstrate within every relationship, particularly within marriage.God bless

  15. Actually I do teach sunday school and I we preach Christ not condemnation. I actually know of someone who because of how her old church treated her she tried to commit suicide. Thank God for true ministries like mine, she was saved and she is one powerful woman of God. My comments are directed to 'christians' who are so righteous they forget our mission as christians is to save souls.

  16. My friend, I do teach sunday school and we preach Christ not condemnation. I'm sure you and all the christians you know are very holy so they don't ever sin, not by thought, word or deed. Good for you! I know I am not perfect and no matter how much I try I will never reach that mark, and if I do you can call me Jesus, but I know I won't while I am in this flesh. But I will try, and though I fall MY GOD is always there for me that's one of the reasons I LOVE HIM.

  17. @royalstarr1 Please tell me how they were treated. As a Christian, let do things right so that we pray less. We should try and bring sanity into the Christianity as a race to heaven. This funky attitude of some of us is so shameful.

  18. I don't condone fornication but does the principle of the word of God say that you shouldn't marry two people that have sinned? Which Bible verse.
    It was Jesus Himself that said that he doesn't condemn the woman caught in adultery. Rather she should go and sin no more.

  19. If i may add my 2 cents … Those two are already deeply in love and intend to marry . They are already husband and wife in the hearts and now a bona fide family . A wedding is just a ceremony to confirm the union as a baptism certifies an inward change already made in the heart . Who are we to refuse man God`s blessings ? I would ask them to repent and do the ceremony . Love is forgiving and compassion and God is Love. Peace !

  20. You know it amazes me how we humans feel we can condemn people to hell, like we are God. The Lady at the well had already 4 women husbands, plus she was still seeing one, Jesus reminded her, He made her aware he knew what she was doing but immediately he Forgive and and encouraged her to go and sin no more. First thing Pastors feel they duty is to run people from God's Church, When Jesus himself said the only judging will take place when He returns…

  21. Hmm, what happened to the concept of of a lady waiting, keeping herself as a virgin till she is joined with a man before God. I support this pastor's view – that's the exact thing that happens in my RCCG church in south London!! The pastor will call off a wedding if the pregnancy test comes back positive – which I agree with 100%! They used to do that in CAC churches too, but now, pastors are just turning a blind eye to pre-marital sex.