Shepherd Bushiri | – Money with A Mission (The Phoebe Anointing) | Prophet Shepherd Bushiri

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About The Author

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri This is the official Channel for Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Prophet Shepherd Bushiri is the founder of Enlightened Christian Gathering Church (ECG) and the Shepherd Bushiri Ministries International. Prophet Shepherd Bushiri is mightily used by God in prophetic, healing and deliverance ministries. His ministry is also known as the ministry of the book of Acts because of the great undeniable signs and wonders which happen in the name of Jesus. His prophecies are accurate and precise. Contact Us On : +27 872 384 444 Subscribe to the Channel to get the latest videos from Prophet Shepherd Bushiri by clicking this link: Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Prophetic Channel-God is still speaking today

Comment (35)

  1. Je brise et brûle toutes les malédictions sataniques à moi je deracine toutes plantes qui n'ont pas planté par Dieu et je renverse la pauvreté de la haine et pauvreté et colère et prostitution amen je reçois les moyens financiers pour faire un élevage industriel et construction d'une Eglise et orphelinat au nom puissant de Jésus-Christ amen je reçois amen l'ouverture des mes yeux spirituels et oreilles spirituelles et me connecte à la grâce et l'amour de Dieu par l'oeuvre de Dunamis power of God and fire et supernatural power of God and fire je reçois l'autorité de Dieu qui délivre et geuri les malades au nom puissant de Jésus-Christ amen je reçois amen Jésus Christ amen

  2. BLESSED PROPHET MAJOR 1 GREATFUL you For Your PRYERS FOR MY BUSINESS, MY MONEY .Thank you for confirming my faith I get Billions for my Defects money ,I got, I receive in mighty name Jesus CHRIST Halleluja, Glory AMEN &&&