
Luis Palau | – Matt Redman: Modern-Day Psalmist

UK-based worship leader, singer, and songwriter Matt Redman shares his testimony and story behind his music. As a boy in England, Matt Redman did not write or sing wonderful worship songs. When he was just 7 years old, his father committed suicide. Matt was plagued by a little boy’s tortured questions: “Was it my fault? […]

Luis Palau | – Emma Owen's Story

Emma Owen is a busy wife and mother at her home in Manchester, England. Although her life may look typical on the outside, a closer look reveals that life with Emma is anything but ordinary. And so begins the story of Emma Owen. Saved as a 12 year old girl at Luis Palau’s Mission to […]

Luis Palau | – Why go to church?

Just as we seek an outside, knowledgeable opinion on matters of health and upkeep, we need to meet regularly with other believers to maintain and grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Hebrews 10:24-25 says that we should not neglect to meet together in order to encourage one another and “spur one another on towards […]

Luis Palau | – ReNew NYC 2015 with Luis Palau and Francis Chan

World-renowned authors and speakers Luis Palau (Out of the Desert) and Francis Chan (Crazy Love) want to lead you through a special evening of prayer, and renewal. Be encouraged by Luis Palau’s 50+ years of experience in walking with God. Be blessed by Francis Chan’s powerful illustrations and Bible teaching. And be filled up through […]

Luis Palau | – Tell me about the Bible

The Bible isn’t just another book. In 2 Timothy 3:16, it says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” In this video, Evangelist Luis Palau asserts the importance of reading the Bible daily and offers practical ways to begin and maintain a successful journey through the Word […]