Warriors for Christ | – Polish Pastor Chases Cops Out of Church on Easter Weekend: ‘Get Out! You Nazis!’ Live

Pastor Artur Pawlowski says people have to ‘demand their rights back’ on ‘Warriors for Christ.’ A Polish pastor at a church in Canada went viral after his blunt …

About The Author

Warriors for Christ Warriors for Christ is a pre denominational Jude 1:23 ministry. By this we mean we follow the Bible as it was followed by the early church free from ecumenical systems, We expose false doctrines, false teachers, and to help equip the Saints. We are in the end times and we are at war with evil! THIS IS NOT A GAME. THIS IS WAR. THIS IS LITERALLY EVIL KNOCKING. WILL YOU ANSWER? WILL YOU FIGHT? WILL YOU DEFEND? WE WILL WE ARE. Warriors for Christ. If you feel led to support this ministry you can donate safely and securely below. Google demonetizes Christian content that disagrees with the liberal agenda so all donations are appreciated.