WAY Nation | – Christian Artist's Dream Collaborations | Man + Mic

We asked Christian artists “If you could open for anyone, who would it be?”
The Newsboys picked Bruno Mars, and you won’t believe who Lecrae chose.

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WAY Nation We live in a world that can leave us feeling angry, anxious, and broken. WAY Nation helps us wrestle with this hopelessness and replace it with love and truth. WAY Nation is a place to learn, laugh, be challenged, and be encouraged. The truth of the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus will serve as the foundation for all of our interactions. We know that hope doesn’t come from ignoring challenging topics, but from embracing and examining how the Gospel applies to them. WAY Nation equips us with genuine purpose and hope in Jesus. WAY Nation is part of the WAY Media Network. Our mission is to influence this generation to love and follow Jesus through culturally relevant media. Music. Faith. Life.

Comment (17)

  1. I think I about got to see some pretty good shows over the years
    Building 429 and Fireflight opening for Red
    Demon Hunter opening for Red
    Lacey Sturm opening for Red

    In a sudden plot twist: Fireflight, The Letter Black and TFK opening for Love and Death (The covered Devo during the set).

  2. I think some people are miss understanding what this video is about. It’s not about Christian artists seeking fame from the outside world. It has to do with enjoying someone else’s music despite the fact they don’t sing Christian music.

  3. Christians who are against reaching the world are bizarre to me! You can't reach the world with judgement and in a bubble to yourself. Jesus didnt, he went out there, so did apostle Paul who said he was all things to all people. Collabing with secular doesn't make you a fake! Christians are so caught up in laws they are hateful, which the bible says is proof you are NOT saved, is if you are hateful.

  4. To all my fellow prideful and religious brothers and sisters
    Jesus went into a sinners home and had dinner with him and his friends… Read your Bible. Bible literally says to be like Jesus.
    How are we supposed to love those who are "in darkness" when they don't know what light is? We are living in a dark world, our job is to be salt and light. This is common bible sense. Don't be prideful, because you're a sinner too. We all are. Youre not any more special. God loves them as much as you. Can't tell me any different. Its people like you that make non-christian people despise us. Because they feel that you think you're better than them. No, youre worse… God bless you and go love your neighbor as yourself 🙂