WAY Nation | – MercyMe Covers The Beatles, Tom Petty, and…AC/DC? | Songs From a Mug

This is going to the be the most fun concert you’ve watched in months. MercyMe takes on the Mug and delivers memorable classics and a few hilarious surprises. You cannot watch this without singing along or having a smile plastered on your face.

Here are the prompts they draw:

1. Song by your biggest influence (00:38)
2. Favorite song to sing in falsetto (2:09)
3. Favorite song you would never hear in church (3:14)
4. Favorite TV show theme song (3:51)
5. A song from your favorite musical (4:56)
6. First song your wrote as a band (5:40)
7. Play your current release (6:23)
8. Song by an artist you’d like to collab with (9:15)
9. Song you jammed out to in high school (10:27)
10. Favorite rap song (11:31)
11. Song that always gets stuck in your head (12:02)

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WAY Nation We live in a world that can leave us feeling angry, anxious, and broken. WAY Nation helps us wrestle with this hopelessness and replace it with love and truth. WAY Nation is a place to learn, laugh, be challenged, and be encouraged. The truth of the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus will serve as the foundation for all of our interactions. We know that hope doesn’t come from ignoring challenging topics, but from embracing and examining how the Gospel applies to them. WAY Nation equips us with genuine purpose and hope in Jesus. WAY Nation is part of the WAY Media Network. Our mission is to influence this generation to love and follow Jesus through culturally relevant media. Music. Faith. Life.

Comment (43)

  1. I LOVED THIS!!!!!! Robbie (?) killed me every time he would just kind of stare at the others, especially near the end. I didn't even realize it was him that was rapping until I saw Nathan holding the mic up to him! LOL I think that is why he is the drummer. Makes a good drummer maybe not all that good at the singing. What an awesome 13 minutes though. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  2. I can't wait to play this for my husband. He's an 80s music freak and a Mercy Me freak. I play him a few measures of a song and he guesses the band/singer. He's got a great ear, but this might throw him. I'll report back with the results.