WAY Nation | – Larry the Cucumber Joins the Silly Song Battle! | with Andrew Peterson and Randall Goodgame

Larry joins the battle with Silly Song writers, Andrew and Randall, as they try to guess the song titles and which episodes they are from!

Get to know Mike Nawrocki (Larry the Cucumber) better in The Bible for Kids Podcast!
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WAY Nation We live in a world that can leave us feeling angry, anxious, and broken. WAY Nation helps us wrestle with this hopelessness and replace it with love and truth. WAY Nation is a place to learn, laugh, be challenged, and be encouraged. The truth of the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus will serve as the foundation for all of our interactions. We know that hope doesn’t come from ignoring challenging topics, but from embracing and examining how the Gospel applies to them. WAY Nation equips us with genuine purpose and hope in Jesus. WAY Nation is part of the WAY Media Network. Our mission is to influence this generation to love and follow Jesus through culturally relevant media. Music. Faith. Life.

Comment (45)

  1. You can’t say “Everyone has a water buffalo!” Everybody does NOT have a water buffalo!! We are going to get NASTY letters asking “Wheres my buffalo, why do I have a water buffalo?”. Are YOU prepared to deal with that?! I don’t think so!