WorshipMob | – Downpour (I Love Your Presence) | WorshipMob Original

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Simultaneous Real Live Worship by the WorshipMob – Christ-purchased Identity, Unity, & Freedom

Downpour – I Love Your Presence – by Chynoweth/Perez/Asbury


I hear You say “I’m right here
So lay down your stress and fear
Put all your trust in Me
Let go of doubt and lean”

I love, I love Your presence

“Behold, I make all things new
I see all your faults but
I still choose you
And I won’t let you fall thru
I carried the cross, now
I’ll carry you!”

I’ll stand right here and
Face these fears
Thru pain and tears, Lord
I won’t back down!

I’ll stand restored
In Your downpour
Now, I surrender, Lord
I won’t back down!

About The Author

WorshipMob WorshipMob is excited to be partnering with Adam Carpenter & Watershed Music Group, in all song-writing, publishing, and recording ventures! WorshipMob. We are also pumped to partner with Capitol Christian Music Group’s management and multi-channel network, to work closely with their amazing label, and have the opportunity to join together with the many worship artists they support and promote.

Comment (44)

  1. Romans 6:10-12 says For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of[a] love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. 11 And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, 12 that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

  2. This song, the words have poured into my heart, "I see all your faults but I still choose you… I carried the cross, now I carry you"
    What a God we serve he loves us even when we don't love ourselves, what an awesome truth, thank you Jesus…

  3. I love you Jesus i felt a heavy weight lifted for me Glory to God. i was having bad thoughts, God delivered me now i am free and i wont back down. Love the worship God broke me down completely surrendering to God. Thank You Lord

  4. Thank you, Father, for all you have done for me! Thank you for your blessings, especially during the heart-wrenching times when the pain of life feels like its crushing me beneath itself! Thank you for carrying me through my fears and wiping away my tears! You have always brought me out the other side and shown me the purity of grace and mercy! It is during these tough times that I really get to see who You are… I love you, Jesus… xx

  5. Hi worshipmob you all are truly a blessing from ABBA FATHER and JESUS CHRIST not only u lift the spirits of his children but you all give hope and dreams and visions of life in our soul it so amazing how ABBA FATHER put people to together and bring wonderful spirits music together and it just pierce the heart mind and soul so from my family to all who enjoy this blessing may ABBA FATHER and JESUS CHRIST bless you all and your love ones and all the children around the world SHALOM ELI ELI AMEN AMEN AMEN