WorshipMob | – My Beloved (spoken word) / Where You Are (by Leeland/Bethel) | WorshipMob live cover & spontaneous

“My Beloved” – spontaneous spoken word by Kevin Johnson
Worship inspired by Where You Are (Spontaneous) – Leeland & Bethel
#mybeloved #whereyouare #jesusiloveyou #leeland #bethel #worshipmob #spokenword

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Abundant Life: Father God, Jesus, & Holy Spirit
Spontaneous spoken word: Kevin Johnson
Vocals: Braden Burson, Aaron McClain, Puchi Colón, & Kelsey Rygh
Electric Guitar: Wade Shaw & Travis Thompson
Bass: Josue Maldonado
Keys: Sean Mulholland
Drums: Sammy Colón

Prayer/Intercession: Devin Christensen, Christine Jennings, Kevin Johnson, Larissa Mulholland, Cheyenne Wellborn, Eden Niles, Ian Cornish, Stephen Roux, Jacob Smith, Gerald Leroy Kramer Jr., Paige Britton, David Feinberg, Maverek Jessen, Rachel Lamb, Cara YanYez
Video Artists: Richard Seldomridge, Sophia Mulholland, Justin (Jay) Macon, & Dezerae Buford
Recording Engineer: Jesse Bergeron
Editing, Mixing, & Mastering: Sean Mulholland
Video Production: Dezerae Buford

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About The Author

WorshipMob WorshipMob is excited to be partnering with Adam Carpenter & Watershed Music Group, in all song-writing, publishing, and recording ventures! WorshipMob. We are also pumped to partner with Capitol Christian Music Group’s management and multi-channel network, to work closely with their amazing label, and have the opportunity to join together with the many worship artists they support and promote.

Comment (21)

  1. Here's a message from one of our vocalists, Braden Burson:
    “Have you ever played a game of hide and seek with your father? You are searching for your father and trying to find him in the most difficult places, and you start to get discouraged and lose hope in finding him, when he was right under your nose the whole time. God is right there, breathing life into the hopeless, and discouraged hearts. We are his children, we are desperate to be where he is. Father I am desperately longing to be where you are, and once you find me, I sink deep into your chest, feel your heartbeat and your strong voice calm my raging seas. Father I cry out Holy, Holy, Holy. Jesus, I Love You.“

  2. There is no other love as pure, as holy, and as beautiful as the Love we recieve from the Lord . ❤ Fill every heart and bless every ear listening Lord, Fall fresh upon your people. Every hour we need thee !

  3. A Powerful message Living in the Holy Spirit! Lord Lead my Life, Live in my Life. I choose you first and trust you in my Everything. Your creation is Beautiful, you breath is freshness your fragrance is Rich in Love! Thank you Jesus; Amen…

  4. This song really moves my Spirit. Some years ago, I got a Word from a man I didn't know, that God said "behold, I do a new thing. Now it springs forth, do you not see it?" At that time I didn't see a way, I didn't see rivers of living waters. Instead, I fell into a deep depression and dealth with grief and anxiety. Some days ago, I encountered this song and it was as if God directly spoke to me through this prophetic worship: do you see what I have been doing in this difficult season? Do you see my hand in it, my care, my recovery, my blessing, my growth in your heart and life? Do you see that although it is so dry and hard sometimes, I am already delivering you through the process? And I thought. Yes, you have provided wisdom, discerment, hunger for you, redirection of my life, new people that are such a blessing and just so much time. Time to repent, to learn, to eat the Word. God is good! Shalom