Billy Crone | – 60 – The Final Countdown (Update) The Rise of Wicked Behavior – Billy Crone

The ultimate sign that you’re headed for the worst day of your life would have to be this. It’s when you wake up one morning only to realize that your family has suddenly disappeared. So you run to turn on your TV to see what’s happening and there you watch a special worldwide news report declaring that millions of people all over the planet have simply vanished. As you spy the Bible on the coffee table, it suddenly dawns on you that your family was right after all when they kept telling you about the rapture of the Church. Then to your horror, you realize that you’ve been left behind and have been catapulted into mankind’s darkest hour, the 7-year Tribulation that really is coming upon the whole world. But thankfully, God is not only a God of wrath; He’s a God of love as well. And because He loves you and I, He has given us many warning signs to show us that the Tribulation is near and that His 2nd Coming is rapidly approaching. Therefore, The Final Countdown takes a look at 10 signs given by God to lovingly wake us up so we’d give our lives to Him before it’s too late. These signs are the Jewish People, Modern Technology, Worldwide Upheaval, The Rise of Falsehood, The Rise of Wickedness, The Rise of Apostasy, One World Religion, One World Government, One World Economy, and The Mark of the Beast. Like it or not folks, we are headed for The Final Countdown. Please, if you’ve haven’t already done so, give your life to Jesus today, because tomorrow may be too late!

About The Author

Billy Crone Billy Crone. We believe in the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our mission is to share the gospel in any way possible to reach the lost and encourage the church to be watching and keeping our lives holy in anticipation of His return.

Comment (12)

  1. Started homeschooling our 4 kids 2 years ago….one of the best decisions we ever made (although we never would have imagined we'd ever be doing it and felt inadequate initially, but trusted our Heavenly Father who made it very clear we were to be doing it). You CAN handle it parents, and you will be blessed by homeschooling yoir kids. Billy Crone, I will point family members to this video for continued questions about why!

  2. thank you Billy and crew, for doing these updates for the final countdown.. working my way through the discipleship videos and very much appreciate those too.. okay.. appreciate all of the video collections lol I have them all and they are all packed full of good food.

  3. thank-you pastor Crone… are truly an end time watchman. I so hope you are correct about the rapture. I also hope that Jesus comes back soon. My deepest hope is what Mr. Gary Amirault has to say at tentmaker 777. That Christ died for us all. I just cling to Jesus….and hope that all the confusion here is cleared up one day….

  4. My kids and I started game nights. We play all sorts of board games. It has been great! We make a great meal and just have fun…..Life pushes us to be too busy. Slow down…its ok to slow down…..The ones who really love us are what we need to invest our time in….

  5. I was raised as a Southern Baptist Preachers Kid, and when I got to about age 17 I went off the deep in crazy. It took many years of sin before I came back. Jesus was there when I finally hit bottom. I just don't know if there is time for many now.