Christian Broadcasting Network | – Virginia Sheriff Adds 'In God We Trust' to Patrol Cars

The sheriff for York-Poquoson counties in Virginia has added America’s national motto, “In God We Trust,” to his patrol cars, offering an extensive legal defense for his actions.

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CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN - The Christian Broadcasting Network. CBN is a leading Christian broadcasting network featuring programs that cover everything from world news and international events to music, entertainment, and health from a Christian perspective. Programs include The 700 Club, CBN News, Christian World News, 700 Club Interactive, and more. For more, be sure to head over to Follow us on Facebook And Twitter And Instagram keywords: CBN, CBN - Christian Broadcasting Network, Pat Robertson, Gordon Robertson, Terry Meeuwsen, 700 club, 700club, CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network, CBN News, Christian News, NewsWatch, Superbook

Comment (5)

  1. they need to find out how much of tax payers money he spent on putting decals on, and then take it out of his pay, and then charge him for taking it off… he can stick any stickers he wish on his own personal vehicles, but not on official government vehicles … just because he’s a sheriff, doesn’t mean he can do whatever he wants …