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Kingdom Minded Ministries with Pastor J.K. Rodgers Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. -Matthew 6:10 Become a subscriber today and be blessed! The Lord our God is one! "It is no secret what God can do."

Comment (28)

  1. you are right, the bible speaks against the ways of the effeminate as well so she's not castin judgement on anyone she's ministering the word (1 Corinthians 6:9). So many people are scared of conviction and want to hear what's pleasing to them instead of the truth. Nobody is perfect but there still no justification.

  2. This was when the Holy Convocation was church service and not a social meeting. I say that because I am COGIC. This was circa early 80s. They really meant business back then when they came to Memphis for convocation. Dr. Clark taught the choir under the anointing of the Holy Ghost thus it came forth thru the singing.

  3. Absolutely. I consider this family one of the first families of gospel. Dr. Mattie Moss-Clark and her brother Bill Moss, Sr. put a stamp on gospel music that can't be duplicated. They lived what they sang about and put their heart and soul into the music. I think that is what distinguishes this family of musicians from so many others.

  4. You apparently arent familiar with the Clark's ministry and what they stand for. Shes been taught by the best (Dr. Clark)and annointed by God to sing with authority and force that brings edification and understanding. There were sissies in the church in the 80's too but that hasnt stopped her ministry. When you walk in integrity and believe that God is all powerful for who nothing is impossible you can talk like that and expect it to happen.

  5. @michiee im a gay male and despite of… as i grow in my spiritual walk the spirit is moving me in higher places…..and i have faith that if being a same gender loving being is not right for me God will take that away from me

  6. She sounds like a mix between Twinkie & Dorinda here. She favors Dorinda from the side view too. Karen has always been a bad girl! It's funny how Karen's voice never sounds the same, but you always know it's her. Her voice is so multifaceted!