Jimmie Rodgers | – Pastor Marvin Winans Sings & Preaches

Pastor Marvin Winans Sings & Preaches

About The Author

Kingdom Minded Ministries with Pastor J.K. Rodgers Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. -Matthew 6:10 Become a subscriber today and be blessed! The Lord our God is one! "It is no secret what God can do."

Comment (50)

  1. I was there on that night. When the choir came in out of completely nowhere, we all who were in the balcony kind of got shaken because we didn't expect that…But he is truly an anointed man of God and that's a night I'll never forget at PIP

  2. Immpeccable musicianship and anoiting. There isn't a lot of people on this planet knows the entire Beethoven(music)/Henry Van Dyke(words) composition. Amazing those are the songs that last. Praise El Elyon

  3. lol exactly….

    But low key…Marvin knows what he's doing when he does that…..don't nobody just IN THE MIDDLE of giving scripture, just break out in song…! lol

    and then he goes…."oh, stop….!"….lol

    Pastor Winans…..u r bananas….!

  4. …but seriously, who does this? just wrong to sing that crispy with no effort. i mean he probably works harder to chew his food than to sing so TOUGH! i don't care who comes and who goes, he is my FAVORITE…he's so humble with it—LEGENDARY!