Paul Begley | – BREAKING: "Pakistan Test New Nuclear Missile "Ababeel"

Pakistan has just tested a “Surface to Surface Nuclear Missile” that threatens India [support us] also Help Us Spread The Word
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Paul Begley Pastor Paul Begley is a pastor from Indiana that gives you current events and how they relate to the Bible We always offer a call to salvation and Jesus is adding to the church daily. We offer free Bibles to new converts! We send free anointed prayer cloths, prayer blankets and chemo caps to those who need a healing. If you feel led to help with the postage or the broadcasting costs you can donate at: Coming Apocalypse air live Mon - Fri 12p - 2pm ET And Sunday night Live 7p - 10pm ET Coming Apocalypse airs on Direct TV 367 Fri 11:30pm ET Like my fb @ Follow me on Twitter pastorbegley Follow me on Periscope Pastorbegley Current News Updates, Facts and Fair Comments, Religions, Politics, Opinions, Humor, Freedom, Bible Prophecy, Bible Studies and more Paul Begley

Comment (41)

  1. Its not the first time dude. Pakistan has bigger stockpile of missiles as compared to India. Our Shaheen 2 (already deployed) covers 95% of indian territory and our Shaheen 3 can strike anywhere in India, anywhere in Israel and anywhere in Bangladesh.

  2. Yes nasar and actical weapon s can vaporized the armored division in minutes…but the place where these wepaons can be use reused with in 48 hours..there will be no radioactive or radiation in the used area of weapons…..its a safe weapon with a deadly impact on core or a division or any army.specially india.