In this video, I share on something very important from my heart to you on the subject “Honour”. Be blessed as you watch.

About The Author

Dr Pastor Paul Enenche Dr Pastor Paul Enenche

Comment (41)

  1. Thank you very much man of God! may God bless you family and the ministry for this message this is a weaning again to our children and the youth allover the world the Lord as been sanding difered taps men of God. I pray that this word we enter the ears of your youths!! Amennnnnn

  2. This is a wise words coming from one of the greatest man of God in the land.
    Sir as you said it's end time, it's end time indeed. This manner of dishonor is on the lead in the Nigerian society, in churches and in government where pastors can attack other pastors, men of God hurling curses and insults on leaders of the country without even meeting them first to let them understand their mistakes using their spiritual wisdom.
    Men of God has also turned the sacred altar of God into a place of hurling curses.
    And the biggest challenge in the Nigerian religious society is failure of our religious Leaders to do as they preached.
    May God help us

  3. I was married to a man that dishonored his mother. Then after some time, he dishonored me too. I used to get on him but he wouldn't listen. He passed away 4yrs ago so this man of God, is telling you the truth. Amen

  4. Thank you Pastor for the Teaching and instructions on Honour. It is scriptural It has Eternal blessings attached to it. Including Peace, longevity. and a strong defense in time of trouble attached to it . GOD BLESS YOU SIR.

  5. Why not only focus on honor and respect for christ, with that every others will fall in pleace.
    Africans always mix culture and traditions with christianity.
    African pastor always want to promotes their personality and make Jesus secondary.

  6. CAUTION: We will never ask you to donate any money to any charity or foundation or orphanage. Please be wise. Report every account that attempts to defraud you by asking you to do the above. They are fraudulent people who will receive Divine Judgement in no time. God bless you.