Premier On Demand | – Anne Graham Lotz on meeting her late husband Danny Lotz

Anne Graham Lotz talks to Charmaine Noble-McLean about she met and eventually married her late husband Danny Lotz through some matchmaking by her father, Billy Graham.

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This interview was recorded in November 2014.

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Comment (7)

  1. key sentence: "I did it just to please my father." how true and right a direction is when our motive is in some cases only "just"to please our (heavenly) FATHER and it leads us and what would be the best road not just a good road for us

  2. Arranged marriages shame this is not a Christianity I was after. I am going to Judaizm.When you object you parents they will disown you darling than you eat oat porridge with cabbage soup for the rest of your life. Yah I had to say it.

  3. None of the three Graham daughters were allowed to attend college. They were raised to believe that being a wife and mother was a woman's highest calling. All three married very young. The oldest, GiGi, was in an arranged marriage with a foreigner many years older. She was just 17 when they were married. The youngest daughter wanted to attend nursing school but Billy said no. I just don't see why their parents denied them a college education. Billy's wife Ruth was a graduate of Wheaton College.

  4. It is sad that you think you are finding God through this guy because it is untrue. The Cross of Christ-he sees an expression of sin! And we killed l million Muslims because "they are not christians." The evangelicals committed genocide against the American Indians. This guy has nothing to do with God. God is your conscience. If you raped a child, this person cannot forgive you. No one can. God will be the one to render you with punishment because it has no forgiveness. Jesus did not die on his on volition. You're kidding me right? His body could not be found after he died. His death went unnoticed by the masses. This guy says, "sin," "sin," "sin," and thus we are "doomed." This is a bunch of rubbish. The bible is a man-made document. It is fictional. Jesus as you know was illiterate and he did not right one word. And that’s God’s son when Son is our Lord Master of the Universe. Prophet Muhammad, Buddha are no less than Jesus.

  5. Billy Graham would not allow any of his daughters to attend college. His daughter Ruth, known in the family as Bunny, wanted to attend nursing school and he said no. All of them were married at 18.