The Bible Project | – Overview: Jeremiah

Watch our overview video on the book of Jeremiah, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Jeremiah announces that God will judge Israel’s sins with an exile to Babylon. And then, he lives through the horror of his predictions.

#Jeremiah #BibleProject #BibleVideo

About The Author

BibleProject BibleProject is a nonprofit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos. Our videos and all of our other resources are available for free to help people everywhere experience the unified story of the Bible. For the entire list of our localized channels visit BibleProject

Comment (47)

  1. I really love these videos, they're an invaluable asset to my studies.

    However, I really wish you hadn't changed all the thumbnails for all your videos; they all look bland now and uncreative, and I don't think the uniformity was worth that.

    Otherwise, phenomenal job overall! Keep making the content that you guys make! 🙂

  2. I was baptized last year. And cold showers have changed my life in a truly amazing way. They help me have individual goals for, and conquer each day, as it comes. This is because for me, they completely embody what Jeremiah 17: 7-8 says.

  3. There is a dual application for America. Apostasy here leads to babylon/ rome enslaving all who bow the knee to sun day observance. And persecution of the commandment keeping Christians (especially the forgotten fourth). Hope is in Jesus return for His faithful few.

  4. When you hear and read about the word guard your hearts and minds. For it is deep in your spirit that allows for you stay faithful and understanding of what the word of God is revealing on to you you may stumble and may fall but God is always faithful and he will Remain the same and will stay at your side when things get hard and you go through life itself. But keep doing good and remember God is able.. Remember your life is not your own and your body is the temple… continue to read on.. I thank the Lord for he is the way,the truth, and life. Remember who you really are. Im just another person, human, …. messenger. God bless you all. Seek and you shall find. Keep seeking after his word and truth.. Shalom