Billy Burke | – Billy Burke Interview with Tim Storey

About The Author

Pastor Billy Burke Pastor Billy Burke. At the age of 9, Billy Burke was supernaturally healed of terminal brain cancer under the ministry of Kathryn Kulhman. Today, he has ministered to the lives of thousands around the world with the healing touch of the Jesus Christ. This channel is meant as a visual aid so you can see the power of God working in people's lives. Use it as a tool to build your faith as God prepares you for your touch, your healing and your breakthrough. Because remember, you are just one touch away from your miracle.

Comment (8)

  1. Praise the Lord for Billy Burke Ministries! I’ve seen so many different healing ministries and a lot of them always focus on the persons sin, and say that’s why their sick. Billy Burke is the ONLY healing ministry I’ve witnessed that focuses on God loving the person needing healed and they always get healed.