Fred Coulter | – Feast of Tabernacles – The Dramatic End to the Millennium! (Day 7 FOT) – (Second Half)

Let’s see how God is going to handle deliberate sin! Let’s look at the original sin with Adam and Eve. They sinned by eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

What did God do? He cast them out of the garden so they are removed from the presence of God! That will happen during the Millennium. If someone sins and doesn’t repent, they will be removed. We will see that there are several steps in this. When they’re removed, maybe there will be something like repentance centers so that they can:

see the error of their ways
study the Word of God
fast and pray
repent of their sins
be brought back into society
What if they don’t repent?
What happens then?
Let’s look at the situation with Cain and Abel. They were already removed out of the Garden of Eden, because Adam and Eve were removed from the garden and God put cherubim with flaming swords so they couldn’t enter in.

What happened when Cain killed Abel? God removed him further in exile to the land of Nod, the land of wandering; cut off completely from God!

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(Second Half)
The Dramatic End to the Millennium!
(FOT Day 7)
Fred R. Coulter—September 27, 2021
(First Half): [support us]


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CBCG Sermons CBCG Sermon Channel provides video content of the Christian Biblical Church of God. - Is sponsored by the Christian Biblical Church of God. We are dedicated to restoring original Christianity based on the true Gospel as revealed and taught by Jesus Christ. - The Holy Bible In Its Original Order is an extraordinary Bible—unique in two ways. First, it is the only complete Bible ever published in a single volume that accurately follows the original God-inspired manuscript order of all the books of the Old and New Testaments—making it the “Original Bible Restored.” - Church at Home. We are dedicated to Restoring Original Christianity—For Today.—this means restoring the true, original Gospel, as revealed and taught by Jesus Christ and His personally chosen apostles, and as preserved in the God-breathed New Testament.

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