Fred Coulter | – Truth of God – National Repentance Required. (Second Half)

We’ve been analyzing the problems and difficulties of modern-day Israel. They’re very similar to the ones we find in ancient Israel. The reason is because we’re the same people, descendants and the same God! Because we are the same people, regardless of the number of generations removed, the inclinations of what we do is the same are our forefathers.

Let’s look a little bit more here in the book of Jeremiah, and see that there might be a chance a reprieve if enough people turn from their evil and do what is right! If that occurs, how long will the reprieve last? Look at it this way: How quickly did it change from Trump to Biden? In seven months we’re already forty-degrees down the slide! So, we will see!

(Second Half) –
National Repentance Required
How much are we are doing to provoke God to anger with how we’re acting as a nation?
Fred R. Coulter—September 11, 2021
(First Half): [support us]


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CBCG Sermons CBCG Sermon Channel provides video content of the Christian Biblical Church of God. - Is sponsored by the Christian Biblical Church of God. We are dedicated to restoring original Christianity based on the true Gospel as revealed and taught by Jesus Christ. - The Holy Bible In Its Original Order is an extraordinary Bible—unique in two ways. First, it is the only complete Bible ever published in a single volume that accurately follows the original God-inspired manuscript order of all the books of the Old and New Testaments—making it the “Original Bible Restored.” - Church at Home. We are dedicated to Restoring Original Christianity—For Today.—this means restoring the true, original Gospel, as revealed and taught by Jesus Christ and His personally chosen apostles, and as preserved in the God-breathed New Testament.

Comment (5)

  1. Took time to think about what you said before replying. What GOD says to us, the children of Israel, spread around the world, is, frightening. Did know this for many years, but up close, seeing this coming to pass, brings Lamentations to my understanding, forcefully. Don't know if people will repent, for who, in the public eye, speaks that?.. All who try are ignored, ridiculed, lies broadcast in their place, into everyone's ears. Thinking about the young families, that all is about to fall on them. Seclusion, for me, is the choice. Not American, Australian. Same going on here, to a far lesser degree, BUT, it will fall on us soon after you. LOVE AND PRAYERS.

  2. repentance yes, but when GOD has healed us, solved our problems, we are not to forget GOD.. we must stay on course and not go back to our old ways.. too often when we are spared and our lives are good, blessed and prosperous, we return to the world and it's ways.. that's the time we must hold fast to our GOD and continue to live the way.. the way of truth and obedience.. the way of love for GOD and our fellow humans..