Fred Coulter | – Last Great Day – Unlocking the Mystery's! (Second Half)

Let’s continue with the Last Great Day, the greatest day in the whole Bible up to the end of the thousand years! Then we have the resurrected of the all the rest of the dead! They’re divided into two categories:

those who have not committed the unpardonable sin, but were never called
those who have committed the unpardonable sin and they shall be condemned because there is no forgiveness
There is forgiveness for sin in the second resurrection that was done in their first life. But that’s for those who did not commit the unpardonable sin. Notice what Jesus continues to explain:…
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(Second Half)
Unlocking the Mystery of the Last Great Day
(LGD – 2021)
Fred R. Coulter—September 28, 2021
(First Half): [support us]


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CBCG Sermons CBCG Sermon Channel provides video content of the Christian Biblical Church of God. - Is sponsored by the Christian Biblical Church of God. We are dedicated to restoring original Christianity based on the true Gospel as revealed and taught by Jesus Christ. - The Holy Bible In Its Original Order is an extraordinary Bible—unique in two ways. First, it is the only complete Bible ever published in a single volume that accurately follows the original God-inspired manuscript order of all the books of the Old and New Testaments—making it the “Original Bible Restored.” - Church at Home. We are dedicated to Restoring Original Christianity—For Today.—this means restoring the true, original Gospel, as revealed and taught by Jesus Christ and His personally chosen apostles, and as preserved in the God-breathed New Testament.

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