Fred Coulter | – Truth of God – National Repentance Required. (First Half)

Ignominy has hit America! The smallest group of men that have destroyed their ancestors in the past and have destroyed empires, has brought the knees the American Empire.

It’s amazing how all the events fit together, and for those of you who are new, let me mention to you a book you need to have. You will find that Christian Biblical Church of God has a lot, a lot, a lot of stuff! Through the years we have accumulated it. So, don’t feel overwhelmed if there’s a lot to catch up on. Just take it step-by-step and do it the best that you can.

Here’s one book you need to get: America and Britain: Two Nations that Changed the World by Philip Neal. They have ruled the world for 500 years. When you get that, you will understand that the so-called ‘lost’ ten tribes are not lost. That’s a myth by Judaism to try and claim all the promises of God for themselves. But there were 12 tribes, 13 counting the Levites.

We’ll do a study later on, but you’ll find a lot of it in this book, America and Britain. There were promises about us inheriting what we have inherited, and how now that their circumstances are that God is taking it away. We will examine some of those today.

A man ask me, ‘Fred, what’s going on? What’s happening?’ You look at the news; it’s incredible! You watch what’s happening; it’s unbelievable! But it’s happening! That’s because we are the ten tribes of Israel, modern day! When you read a lot of things in the Old Testament concerning Israel and the things in the latter days, that applies to us. But most people don’t know it!

(First Half) –
National Repentance Required
How much are we are doing to provoke God to anger with how we’re acting as a nation?
Fred R. Coulter—September 11, 2021
(Second Half): [support us]


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CBCG Sermons CBCG Sermon Channel provides video content of the Christian Biblical Church of God. - Is sponsored by the Christian Biblical Church of God. We are dedicated to restoring original Christianity based on the true Gospel as revealed and taught by Jesus Christ. - The Holy Bible In Its Original Order is an extraordinary Bible—unique in two ways. First, it is the only complete Bible ever published in a single volume that accurately follows the original God-inspired manuscript order of all the books of the Old and New Testaments—making it the “Original Bible Restored.” - Church at Home. We are dedicated to Restoring Original Christianity—For Today.—this means restoring the true, original Gospel, as revealed and taught by Jesus Christ and His personally chosen apostles, and as preserved in the God-breathed New Testament.

Comment (5)

  1. when Jesus said if you love me keep the commandments, it seems they think thats a new set of commandments appart from the ten, they do continually say the law of moses is done away, i wonder if they research and study who was the God of the old testament, pauls writings are the typical quotes for the argument yet out of context or without genuine understanding . nothing new ofcourse, its a interesting study , the human race wants to have the cake and eat it aswell, no consiquences.